A Recruiters’ Guide to Employer Branding

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A Recruiters' Guide to Employer Branding.

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Your Employer Branding Play Book.

The face of recruitment has changed drastically in the past few years.

More than ever before, job seekers concern themselves with employer branding or the perception of an organization and its values, culture, and benefits. In fact, 75% of prospective employees consider an employer brand before applying.

However, a strong employer brand is not just important to candidates — it’s just as advantageous to you as a recruiter. A developed employer brand ensures you attract the top talent! And, as an extra bonus – it also decreases the cost, time, and resources needed to hire the best applicants.

You’ll learn:

Related recruiting resources

Professional Services

Newton Europe graduate recruitment

Newton Europe is an Oxford-based operational performance improvement specialist. The Newton Europe graduate recruitment experience is boosted by Oleeo.

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Seamlessly Manage End-to-End Recruitment For Your RPO Clients

Morgan Stanley Investment banking company

Morgan Stanley’s employees serve clients worldwide, which is why they needed an applicant tracking system that helps them effortlessly fill crucial graduate roles worldwide.

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Public Sector Recruitment Strategies
Public Sector

Key Insights for Creating a Robust Public Sector Workforce

Discover essential insights into modern recruitment strategies and workforce planning, leveraging technology to build a diverse public sector workforce ready for future challenges.

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Unlock the benefits of EDI in the NHS workforce

The benefits of diversity in the NHS workforce

The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard Report published on 22nd February 2023 shows an increase in staff from BME backgrounds. Compare current statistics with the NHS’ 2025 diversity targets.

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High-Volume Recruiting Strategies to Secure the Best Talent — Fast

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High-Volume Recruitment Strategies to Secure the Best Talent - Fast.

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Supercharge your high-volume hiring.

Volume hiring. Bulk recruiting. 24/7 sourcing. Whatever you want to call it, high-volume recruitment isn’t for the faint-hearted. 

Fuelling a never-ending demand for new talent to enter the pipeline is stressful to say the least. When it feels like you have a constant stack of open job roles that hiring managers are demanding you fill as soon as yesterday, you need to find practical ways to source and hire people – fast.

Oleeo’s guide will help you to recruit the best employees for your open positions – fast.

You’ll learn:

Related recruiting resources

Professional Services

Newton Europe graduate recruitment

Newton Europe is an Oxford-based operational performance improvement specialist. The Newton Europe graduate recruitment experience is boosted by Oleeo.

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Seamlessly Manage End-to-End Recruitment For Your RPO Clients

Morgan Stanley Investment banking company

Morgan Stanley’s employees serve clients worldwide, which is why they needed an applicant tracking system that helps them effortlessly fill crucial graduate roles worldwide.

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Public Sector Recruitment Strategies
Public Sector

Key Insights for Creating a Robust Public Sector Workforce

Discover essential insights into modern recruitment strategies and workforce planning, leveraging technology to build a diverse public sector workforce ready for future challenges.

Learn More
Unlock the benefits of EDI in the NHS workforce

The benefits of diversity in the NHS workforce

The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard Report published on 22nd February 2023 shows an increase in staff from BME backgrounds. Compare current statistics with the NHS’ 2025 diversity targets.

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Recruitment Essentials: Recruiter E-guide

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Recruitment Essentials.

DEI metrics

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Diversity is no longer a buzzword, it’s an expectation.

The only way you’re going to improve DE&I in your organisation is by recruiting a more diverse workforce. And that’s easier said than done right?

Our e-guide contains the essential steps to meet your DE&I goals. Which, as we know, will help to boost innovation, performance and, most importantly, revenue for your organization!

You’ll learn:

Related recruiting resources

Professional Services

Newton Europe graduate recruitment

Newton Europe is an Oxford-based operational performance improvement specialist. The Newton Europe graduate recruitment experience is boosted by Oleeo.

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Seamlessly Manage End-to-End Recruitment For Your RPO Clients

Morgan Stanley Investment banking company

Morgan Stanley’s employees serve clients worldwide, which is why they needed an applicant tracking system that helps them effortlessly fill crucial graduate roles worldwide.

Learn More
Public Sector Recruitment Strategies
Public Sector

Key Insights for Creating a Robust Public Sector Workforce

Discover essential insights into modern recruitment strategies and workforce planning, leveraging technology to build a diverse public sector workforce ready for future challenges.

Learn More
Unlock the benefits of EDI in the NHS workforce

The benefits of diversity in the NHS workforce

The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard Report published on 22nd February 2023 shows an increase in staff from BME backgrounds. Compare current statistics with the NHS’ 2025 diversity targets.

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Why Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Matters in Recruitment

Resources: Infographic

Why Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Matters in Recruiting.

Building a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce is key to the success of your business. With 3 in 4 job seekers and employees (76%) saying that a diverse workforce is important when evaluating companies and job offers. And research showing that companies who are more diverse and inclusive are 36% more likely to outperform their competitors.

You can’t afford to be behind the curve.

Diverse and inclusive workforces prove to be:

Download our infographic today to discover why diversity, equity and inclusion matters in recruiting

Diversity Insights Datasheet

Resources: Datasheet

Diversity Insights Datasheet .

Part of the Oleeo Recruiting Enablement platform, Oleeo Insights: Diversity is a SaaS solution that provides Talent Acquisition leaders with pre-built metrics, analytics, and visuals that answer questions about the state of diversity in recruiting and give insights into how to achieve diversity goals.

Oleeo Insights: Diversity dives into the topic of diversity, answering questions about the state of diversity in recruiting and giving insights into how to achieve diversity goals. The following questions are included in the solution. Only access insights into the Diversity topics that matter to you. While Oleeo Insights: Diversity includes pre-built metrics, analytics, and visuals related to gender, race, religion, age, disability, and sexual orientation, only the data you specify during onboarding with Oleeo will be included in the solution.

Why Oleeo?

With automation and intelligence built-in end-to-end, the Oleeo Recruiting Enablement platform is an award-winning recruiting technology solution that enables organizations to make great and diverse hires faster and more efficiently than ever before. The chosen solution of global enterprise brands, as well as leading government agencies, police forces, and health services, Oleeo is being used by hundreds of employers in over 145 countries, processing millions of candidates each year. Visit oleeo.com.

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Oleeo would be delighted to hear about your talent acquisition needs to see if we can help you. Get in touch today!

Diversity Benchmarks Data Sheet

Resources: Datasheet

Diversity Benchmarks Data Sheet.

Oleeo Diversity Benchmarks is a SaaS solution that gives recruiters access to population diversity data by region, and the ability to compare that data to their hiring results. It helps answer high level questions to understand how your business performs against population statistics for the region(s) in which they are filling posts, with a focus on racial diversity. Oleeo Diversity Benchmarks can be used in conjunction with Oleeo Recruit (ATS) or as a standalone solution.

Why Oleeo?

With automation and intelligence built-in end-to-end, the Oleeo Recruiting Enablement platform is an award-winning recruiting technology solution that enables organizations to make great and diverse hires faster and more efficiently than ever before. The chosen solution of global enterprise brands, as well as leading government agencies, police forces, and health services, Oleeo is being used by hundreds of employers in over 145 countries, processing millions of candidates each year. Visit oleeo.com.

Tell me Everything

Oleeo would be delighted to hear about your talent acquisition needs to see if we can help you. Get in touch today!

Recruitment Marketing: How High-Performing Companies Attract Talent

Recruitment Marketing: How High-Performing Companies Attract Talent.

 Oleeo provides an enterprise-wide Recruiting Enablement platform. With intelligence built-in, Oleeo is your recruiting force multiplier, letting you leverage data and automation to make great, diverse hires more efficiently and effectively, every day.

Tell me Everything

Oleeo would be delighted to hear about your talent acquisition needs to see if we can help you. Get in touch today!

Modernising Nucleargraduates recruiting

Case Study

Helping Nucleargraduates to secure the best emerging talent .

nucleargraduates is the sector wide graduate programme for the nuclear industry.

Established in 2007 by the Nuclear Decommissioning Agency, the graduate programme currently has 73 graduates on the programme across two years in direct engineering and scientific disciplines. The programme caters for applied engineering roles in heavily regulated parts of the industry with sponsors including the Environment Agency, Office of Nuclear Regulation and Rolls-Royce.

Female industrial worker


Development programs

Development programs

High volume of applications

Main Challenges

Reduced administrative costs by 80%

Nucleargraduates is the sector wide graduate programme for the nuclear industry

graduates on the program across 2 years
0 %
amount by which nucleargraduates have reduced their administrative costs


Nucleargraduates wanted a solution that would handle large volumes of applications from interested students and help it manage its entire recruitment process, making it as easy and straightforward as possible, whilst allowing candidates to demonstrate skills and expertise. This included bespoke application forms & online tests for candidates to provide information on academic qualifications and work experience as well as verbal, numerical and logical reasoning and situational judgement questionnaires. Successful candidates can then complete a 15 minute online video interview at a time / location convenient to them on any device before being invited to a two day assessment centre with feedback recorded at every stage.

“Oleeo provides us with a great application tracking system to help us manage the large volume of applications we receive for each campaign. Their intuitive technology allows me and my team to sift through application forms quickly and easily and move candidates along the system in a time effective manner.”

Anna Byrne, Recruitment & Selection Lead, nucleargraduates

Nucleargraduates needed a brand new system that would…

Why Oleeo and what was the implementation like?

Nucleargraduates use Oleeo’s Intuitive Talent Acquisition platform. Oleeo’s decades of experience in campus & early careers hiring means our solution helps recruiters with finding, nurturing and hiring the best new talent across the entire journey of an applicant from attraction and engagement to on-boarding. The system, with technology from Oleeo partners integrated within it, affords the organization more consistency in the recruitment process and better candidate selection, outweighing the original cost saving benefits. 

“The process provides a robust test of a candidate providing evidence of their suitability for the roles in terms of technical and behavioural competencies “

Debbie Harrison-North, Head of Recruitment, Office for Nuclear Regulation


Key results identified by Nucleargraduates:


graduates on the program across 2 years

0 %

amount by which nucleargraduates have reduced their administrative costs

The Future

Oleeo can support the recruitment goals of the Nucleargraduates to continuously help them to improve their recruitment processes.

Powerful data driven recruitment

Oleeo has 25 years experience of delivering award-winning recruiting solutions across multiple industries.

Student recruiting trends in the USA

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USA Student Recruiting Trends.

In this report, we set out to get a real grasp of what we can expect for USA student recruiting trend in 2019 with employment data from Oleeo & Universum.

Our goal was to figure out exactly how recruiters can be more adaptable to upcoming trends by identifying them, addressing challenges and offering innovative techniques to mitigate them. We reviewed anonymous application data from 3.8 million candidates. These candidates were applying to graduate programmes in business across finance, government, professional services, advertising, engineering and retail. In conducting this study, we took the following into consideration:

  • Numbers of applications versus numbers hired and numbers screened out
  • Levels of candidates self-withdrawing from application processes
  • Gender and ethnicity balances among those who are hired
  • Overseas interest in graduate roles in the US and levels of success
  • What candidates declare as their source for choosing to apply
  • If Ivy League universities have prominence among candidates hired by employers

Using Oleeo Technology.

With the help of Universum, we also used extracts from the 2018 Talent Insight reports series. Specifically, we concentrated on responses from 6,692 business students and 5,841 engineering/IT students across the UK. This is what we took into consideration:

We reviewed anonymous application data from 3.8 million candidates applying to graduate programs in business across finance, government, professional services, advertising, engineering and retail. Here are three noteworthy findings and analysis:

The average number of applications for graduate programmes in the US is on the rise. Financial and professional services firms can expect an average of 250,000 while the other sectors had averages of 50,000. This is being driven by US students now considering an average of 29 employers to work for when applying to graduate schemes according to Universum data.

Another 50% of all applications are screened out before any further assessments or interviews – employers are setting tougher pre-screening criteria to make selection more agile.

There’s still a gap in gender hiring between male and females. Overall, there is still a gap in gender hiring, but the gap is smaller as time goes on. Recruiters will need to be conscious of the industries that are struggling the most to close this gap.

Full report findings

The findings of the full report show just how tough competition is to hire the best talent in graduate recruitment. Candidates are more empowered than ever before and employers have to work extra hard to secure the candidates that will prosper in their organization and help deliver business growth. 

Getting a hire wrong isn’t only costly, poor hiring can lead to lower productivity, reduced levels of employee morale and engagement and ultimately more attrition. It is a vicious circle. Knowing what worked well in the past can help to fine-tune the types of candidates that carry high favor within a firm. Click the buttons below to access the report or talk to us today about how we can assist.

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Oleeo would be delighted to hear about your talent acquisition needs to see if we can help you. Get in touch today!

Make your volume recruitment seamless with Oleeo

Make your volume recruitment seamless with Oleeo.

Oleeo for High Volume Recruiting helps you scale the workforce faster than ever before – learn how to make your volume recruitments seamless with Oleeo.

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Using Oleeo Technology.

Never before has there been a more pressing need to speed up high volume recruiting without sacrificing quality – the global coronavirus pandemic has seen numbers of applications soar to as high as nearly 1400%.

Seamless volume recruitment relies on creating an experience that maintains employer value propositions in such a way that converts consumers into employees. Intelligent automation, attraction and engagement techniques mean that businesses running high-volume recruiting programmes can act rapidly. Talent can move from application to interview in just 35 minutes; from application to hire in 3 days; and from application to rehire in 5 minutes.

Oleeo for High Volume Recruiting helps you scale the workforce faster than ever before. Whether it’s seasonal hiring or global expansion, our intelligent automation will have you hiring quality talent in minutes, not weeks.

Analysis, filtering, automated decisions and recommendations are very powerful tools, providing transparency and driving efficiency throughout the recruitment process. This is made possible through fast-acting recruiting software that will screen, assess, track background check progress, reference scheduling and more magnifying rich and engaging candidate experiences.

These can be measured using reporting and analytics functions to help inform hiring strategies. To find areas within your high volume recruiting process that can be simplified evaluate the following metrics:

With all the back-end screening and analysis taken care of, talent acquisition teams have more time to focus on personalised outreach to give the best candidates a deeper insight into what the inside of your company looks like. Using a smart recruitment software made for high volume recruiting can also help you hit touch points with all candidates, whether they’re qualified or not.

Let candidates know on your career site, candidate communications centre or through personalised follow-up emails or SMS how your volume recruitment process runs. Tell them what they can expect and how to be successful in your hiring process. Use intelligence to ensure relevant content is shown to the right person at the right time, to help increase adoption and give the candidate a useful heads up. Sure, not every candidate will read all that, but the ones who do are ready to become star players on your team!

A system with bulk processing

The system will enable you to send emails to large volumes of candidates with one click. Keeping the candidate experience top of mind can make routine communications something where your employer brand shines through rather than a bland standard response.Watch this video to learn why now is the time to streamline smarter recruiting workflows and spot the best candidates quickly. Win back time and deliver more efficient hiring processes. Help recruiters stay focused on high value activities with tailored candidate shortlists and instant visibility into the source of their best hires. Talk to us today about how we can assist with your volume recruitment needs.

Tell me Everything

Oleeo would be delighted to hear about your talent acquisition needs to see if we can help you. Get in touch today!