Winning the Talent War with Data Automation

Resources: Guide

Win the Talent War with Data Automation.

Let data automation do the heavy lifting when it comes to attracting and finding candidates.

The success  and growth of a company often depends on its ability to attract, hire, and retain top talent.

In recent years, the recruitment landscape has witnessed a significant shift towards data-driven decision-making, empowering organizations to make smarter hiring choices.

While reporting has traditionally been a primary focus of data automation in recruitment, its potential extends far beyond simple analytics. Stay tuned to learn how data automation can take the weight off your team!

You’ll learn how to:

Related recruiting resources

Professional Services

Newton Europe graduate recruitment

Newton Europe is an Oxford-based operational performance improvement specialist. The Newton Europe graduate recruitment experience is boosted by Oleeo.

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Seamlessly Manage End-to-End Recruitment For Your RPO Clients

Morgan Stanley Investment banking company

Morgan Stanley’s employees serve clients worldwide, which is why they needed an applicant tracking system that helps them effortlessly fill crucial graduate roles worldwide.

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Public Sector Recruitment Strategies
Public Sector

Key Insights for Creating a Robust Public Sector Workforce

Discover essential insights into modern recruitment strategies and workforce planning, leveraging technology to build a diverse public sector workforce ready for future challenges.

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Unlock the benefits of EDI in the NHS workforce

The benefits of diversity in the NHS workforce

The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard Report published on 22nd February 2023 shows an increase in staff from BME backgrounds. Compare current statistics with the NHS’ 2025 diversity targets.

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Unlock Hidden Talent: Your Next Great Hire Could be Hiding in Plain Sight

Resources: Guide

Unlock Hidden Talent.

Your next great hire could be hiding in plain sight.

Tapping into internal talent pools to promote mobility is a growing priority. Internal hires now account for nearly 20% of an organization’s workforce.

While 76% of recruiters state that attracting suitable candidates is their biggest obstacle, and 63% of hiring managers say that talent shortage is their most significant problem, everyone using a recruitment software is probably sitting on a vast talent pool. 

Read our guide to discover the top challenges facing talent acquisition specialists today. We’ll explore the trending strategies corporations are currently using to fill their talent gaps and how an intuitive talent acquisition platform can improve all aspects of your hiring process.

You’ll learn how to:

Related recruiting resources

Professional Services

Newton Europe graduate recruitment

Newton Europe is an Oxford-based operational performance improvement specialist. The Newton Europe graduate recruitment experience is boosted by Oleeo.

Learn More
Seamlessly Manage End-to-End Recruitment For Your RPO Clients

Morgan Stanley Investment banking company

Morgan Stanley’s employees serve clients worldwide, which is why they needed an applicant tracking system that helps them effortlessly fill crucial graduate roles worldwide.

Learn More
Public Sector Recruitment Strategies
Public Sector

Key Insights for Creating a Robust Public Sector Workforce

Discover essential insights into modern recruitment strategies and workforce planning, leveraging technology to build a diverse public sector workforce ready for future challenges.

Learn More
Unlock the benefits of EDI in the NHS workforce

The benefits of diversity in the NHS workforce

The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard Report published on 22nd February 2023 shows an increase in staff from BME backgrounds. Compare current statistics with the NHS’ 2025 diversity targets.

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Recruiter’s Guide – Survival of the Fastest

Resources: Guide

Survival of the Fastest.

Attract High-Quality Candidates, Quickly.

Campus recruitment events offer an incredible opportunity to network with  young professionals and raise interest  in your organization. 

A larger talent pool gives you more applicants to choose from and increases the possibility of finding that “perfect” candidate. Unfortunately, the large talent pools of campus events can also increase your workload and keep you from focusing on candidates’ specific qualifications.

Read our guide to discover how adopting a configurable applicant tracking system (ATS) can simplify campus recruitment and keep the candidate search focused on what’s most important. 

You’ll learn how to:

Related recruiting resources

Professional Services

Newton Europe graduate recruitment

Newton Europe is an Oxford-based operational performance improvement specialist. The Newton Europe graduate recruitment experience is boosted by Oleeo.

Learn More
Seamlessly Manage End-to-End Recruitment For Your RPO Clients

Morgan Stanley Investment banking company

Morgan Stanley’s employees serve clients worldwide, which is why they needed an applicant tracking system that helps them effortlessly fill crucial graduate roles worldwide.

Learn More
Public Sector Recruitment Strategies
Public Sector

Key Insights for Creating a Robust Public Sector Workforce

Discover essential insights into modern recruitment strategies and workforce planning, leveraging technology to build a diverse public sector workforce ready for future challenges.

Learn More
Unlock the benefits of EDI in the NHS workforce

The benefits of diversity in the NHS workforce

The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard Report published on 22nd February 2023 shows an increase in staff from BME backgrounds. Compare current statistics with the NHS’ 2025 diversity targets.

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Recruiter’s Guide – How to Quickly Attract High-Quality Candidates

Resources: Guide

How to Attract High- Quality Candidates, Quickly.

Attract High-Quality Candidates, Quickly.

No matter what industry you’re in, it’s not enough to simply post a job listing and hire someone — especially in the current recruitment market. 

Barriers like time, piled-up data, extraneous administrative work, and more attractive organizations can make it difficult to find good candidates for your job.

Read our guide to discover how to provide a great candidate experience and the importance of a powerful employer brand to attract the top talent!

You’ll learn:

Related recruiting resources

Professional Services

Newton Europe graduate recruitment

Newton Europe is an Oxford-based operational performance improvement specialist. The Newton Europe graduate recruitment experience is boosted by Oleeo.

Learn More
Seamlessly Manage End-to-End Recruitment For Your RPO Clients

Morgan Stanley Investment banking company

Morgan Stanley’s employees serve clients worldwide, which is why they needed an applicant tracking system that helps them effortlessly fill crucial graduate roles worldwide.

Learn More
Public Sector Recruitment Strategies
Public Sector

Key Insights for Creating a Robust Public Sector Workforce

Discover essential insights into modern recruitment strategies and workforce planning, leveraging technology to build a diverse public sector workforce ready for future challenges.

Learn More
Unlock the benefits of EDI in the NHS workforce

The benefits of diversity in the NHS workforce

The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard Report published on 22nd February 2023 shows an increase in staff from BME backgrounds. Compare current statistics with the NHS’ 2025 diversity targets.

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Oleeo’s Talent Rediscovery Tool


Oleeo's Talent Rediscovery.

Oleeo’s Talent Rediscovery is centered on making the hiring process smoother, more efficient, and faster for recruiters. It does so by using an intelligence platform that finds you the right candidates before you even have to advertise your job anywhere else. In doing so, you can leverage engaged talent and save time and money on creating ads. Best of all, the Talent Rediscovery technology ensures compliance with data protection regulations for employers and employees alike

Talent Rediscovery features

With our Talent Rediscovery, candidates are immediately flagged for you as soon as a vacancy is created. That’s even before you create a job advertisement. You’ll get the best picks based on the criteria you choose, all without having to do the work. Sound too good to be true? Fortunately, it’s not.

Oleeo’s Intelligent Talent Acquisition Platform


Oleeo's Intuitive End-to-End Talent Acquisition Platform.

At Oleeo, we know how important it is to attract, engage, and hire amazing, diverse teams that can change the world for the better. So that’s exactly what we help companies to do!

From finance, policing and public sector, to healthcare, retail and the gig economy.
Our suite of talent acquisition software powered by AI and automation is fully customisable to fit your unique recruitment processes.

Attract teams with Intelligent Talent Acquisition Stack

Discover how you can hardwire diversity and inclusion into the end-to-end recruiting process, help your recruiters avoid bias and create inclusive experiences candidates deserve with Oleeo.

Oleeo’s Diversity Benchmarking Tool


Oleeo's Diversity Benchmarking Tool.

Oleeo’s diversity benchmarking tool helps you to assess how your recruitment efforts stand up against industry standards to help you reach your diversity goals.

Attract teams with Oleeo's Diversity Benchmarking Tool

Discover how you can hardwire diversity and inclusion into the end-to-end recruiting process, help your recruiters avoid bias and create inclusive experiences candidates deserve with Oleeo.

Building a Campus Recruiting Program Checklist

Resources: Guide

Building a Campus Recruiting Program Checklist.

When done well, campus recruiting can help you find  and attract — the top talent. But if you want to land the best that Generation Z has to offer, you’ll need to revamp old strategies.

Campus recruiting requires a much more targeted approach than a broader recruitment program comprises. Read our helpful guide and accompanying checklist where we’ll walk you through making the case for program funding to your management and executive team, how to prioritize the components that make your program successful and tips for carrying out your strategic plan!

Discover how to build a specific program to drive new college grad hires:

Download our checklist today to power up your campus recruitment:

Unlocking Opportunities: IDC Marketscape Report 2022 Analysis

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Modern Talent Acquisition Suites, TA Specialist 2022 Vendor Assessment.

Download IDC Report

IDC rate Oleeo as leaders in the world of Talent Acquisition (TA) suites.

In this report, IDC examines talent acquisition suite vendors worldwide, analysing how they enable TA teams to recruit successfully.

“The talent acquisition (TA) technology ecosystem is vibrant and fragmented, with no shortage of providers entering the field offering a variety of capabilities that span from end-to-end hiring life-cycle solutions to highly specific niche services. TA specialists are continuing to grow their market share in the talent acquisition space, focusing on providing holistic and increasingly varied capabilities.” IDC

The report which was published in August 2022, shows Oleeo has moved into the leaders category of TA suite vendors. Noting that Oleeo’s DE&I solutions have unique capabilities, in an area of particular demand in the current talent acquisition market. Fill out the form to read the report.

You’ll learn:

Related recruiting resources

Professional Services

Newton Europe graduate recruitment

Newton Europe is an Oxford-based operational performance improvement specialist. The Newton Europe graduate recruitment experience is boosted by Oleeo.

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Seamlessly Manage End-to-End Recruitment For Your RPO Clients

Morgan Stanley Investment banking company

Morgan Stanley’s employees serve clients worldwide, which is why they needed an applicant tracking system that helps them effortlessly fill crucial graduate roles worldwide.

Learn More
Public Sector Recruitment Strategies
Public Sector

Key Insights for Creating a Robust Public Sector Workforce

Discover essential insights into modern recruitment strategies and workforce planning, leveraging technology to build a diverse public sector workforce ready for future challenges.

Learn More
Unlock the benefits of EDI in the NHS workforce

The benefits of diversity in the NHS workforce

The NHS Workforce Race Equality Standard Report published on 22nd February 2023 shows an increase in staff from BME backgrounds. Compare current statistics with the NHS’ 2025 diversity targets.

Learn More

6 Steps to Transform Your High-Volume Recruitment

Resources: Infographic

6 Steps to Transform Your High-Volume Recruitment.

High-volume recruitment isn’t for the faint-hearted. It’s fast-paced and involves juggling multiple vacancies at any one time.

At Oleeo, we’re experts in volume recruitment! Discover our six top tips to transform your high-volume recruitment – without adding to your workload – in our infographic.

Supercharge your high-volume hiring by:

Download our infographic today to power up your volume recruitment: