8 Essential Recruitment Reports You Need for 2024

Recruitment reports… just where do you start? It is so easy to be overwhelmed by the variety of job boards out there. As a recruiter, it’s all very well having your favorite, ‘go-to’set of job boards and other tools to fill positions.

But are these meeting your goals? This is how recruitment reports are valuable. These offer insights that you can use to elevate your recruiting techniques, attracting the right candidates to fill your positions. 

The current job market is competitive, and the best candidates are often snatched up before you find out they exist. With the right data, you can improve your chances of finding top-quality candidates for each available job.

Keep informed and improve your applicant tracking system (ATS) with these Essential Reports From Oleeo Insights.

What Are Recruitment Reports?

Recruitment reports are an excellent way to make your hiring process more efficient and effective.

Put simply, they track and assess candidates and processes at each stage of hiring. For example, you could use a sourcing report to discover how recruitment campaigns are going and where you could improve.

A sourcing report can track your ads, social media posts, recruiters, etc., log where applications are coming from, and generate reports that present this information in an easy-to-understand format.

You can use this data to adjust your recruitment strategy as needed.

Similarly, once you have a selection of candidates, you can use reports to help you make the right choices. Diversity, performance, experience, etc. reports will give you the information needed to pick the best people and get the most ROI out of your hiring process.

What Are The Benefits of a Recruitment Report?

Recruitment reporting has many benefits, including (but not limited to):

Pinpointing strengths and weaknesses

Recruitment reports gather and present data on both your candidates and systems, making it easier to identify strengths and weaknesses.

They also make it simple to cross-reference these strengths and weaknesses with other data points so you can determine how important they are in the grand scheme of things.

For example, say your reports show that Facebook is a strong source of candidates, while LinkedIn is relatively weak. However, when you cross-reference this with performance data, you discover that even though you get fewer applicants from the latter, they perform better and generally better fit your company.

Helping you improve your hiring experience

Recruitment is often the first direct experience a prospective employee has with your company. So, to attract and retain the best candidates, it’s important it would be a good experience for all involved.

Recruitment reports can help you track Candidate Experience and monitor potential sources of frustration (like long waits for responses or stressful silences between stages). 

Boosting your hiring strategies

Recruitment reports are also great for data driven recruiting and can be a handy strategic tool. They can help you with everything from finding the best sources for candidates to staging the right number of interviews.

The insights you glean from your recruiting reports can help you create and refine a recruitment strategy that delivers the best candidates and experience in the most effective and efficient ways possible.

Improving data accuracy and reducing biased decisions

Everyone has biases, whether conscious or unconscious. This can prevent us from making the right decisions when it comes to hiring.

Recruitment reports help you combat this by providing a data-based recruiting strategy. This gives an honest and unbiased view of candidates, helping you make decisions that are unclouded by personal assumptions.

It can also give you accurate information about your systems and processes, showing which are working, which aren’t, and where improvements can be made. This is important, as we can be as biased about our processes, systems, and strategies as we are about people.

8 Crucial Reports to Have on Your Recruiting Dashboard

Oleeo offers a range of ways to report on your recruiting. Our Recruitment Software can offer detailed analytics on every stage of a candidate’s journey and every element of your process.

Here are eight of the most important reports to have on your recruitment dashboard.

1. Applicant source report

This report lets you see where you’re finding your best recruits and should always feature on your recruiting metrics dashboard. Oleeo’s ATS tracks each source, including staffing agencies, job boards, referrals, events, and other hiring sources, and helps you see which are working well for your company. Over time, you can use this to scale your efforts, focusing on the channels that bring in the best potential employees.

You may notice, for example, that many of your top candidates come from LinkedIn. In this case, you might choose to spend more money on sponsored job posts since you know the platform has a high volume of quality candidates.

An applicant source report can also help identify potential issues with your recruiting process. If you notice a certain job board that your recruiting efforts are rarely successful on, you may change your strategy to appeal to candidates who are a better fit for you.

2. Position report

A position report provides a snapshot of the current state of your recruiting process. This feature of your recruitment metrics dashboard shows open positions in each pipeline, so you get an easy overview of where you are.

For example, you can use position reports to see which candidates have already been interviewed and which need an interview to be scheduled. Similarly, you can check how long each job has been open and how close it is to being filled.

With Oleeo, you can also break down each position into stages to get detailed information on factors like holdup and flow. This means you can see at a glance where candidates are becoming bottlenecked and where you need to focus your efforts.

3. Diversity analytics

A commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is essential in today’s workplace. More than Half (65%) Of Companies list it as a priority. If you’re among them, Oleeo’s diversity analytics can help you attract a wider range of applicants.

This report gives you access to talent acquisition dashboards that show you how your Diversity Recruiting Metrics stack up at each stage of the hiring process, from recruiting to job offers. You can use these tools to understand how your efforts are attracting applicants of varying backgrounds and fill in potential gaps. 

You may find your job descriptions aren’t attracting an equal balance of candidates from different ethnic backgrounds, or your job posts could be deterring women from applying. Reports can also show the candidate mix as you move through the Interview Process. You may even discover that your recruiters are working with their own subconscious biases. 

With analytical reports, you can identify these gaps and create strategies to fill them. These are an excellent source of data to help bring other executives on board with DEI initiatives and hiring strategies. 

4. Time to hire

You can track how long it takes candidates to move through your hiring process with Oleeo’s time-to-hire report and use this data to find inefficiencies within your process. It could be that screening takes too long or the Interview Process is held up by scheduling conflicts. 

Time to hire is an important metric for your recruiting team because when it takes too long, high-quality candidates might lose interest in your company. With so many businesses vying for similar candidates in a shrinking talent pool, it’s important to be able to recruit quickly. 

A time-to-hire report can also help you establish a consistent recruiting process throughout your team, making everyone more efficient. For example, you can use it to improve your training process for new recruiters and help fill vacant positions faster. 

5. Time to fill

A time to fill report shows how long it takes to fill each position. It’s often confused with time to hire, but there’s a crucial difference.

Time to hire measures the time that passes between a position getting its first applicant and signing a new contract.

Time to fill refers to the entire hiring process, from deciding to advertise for a new role to a new hire filling the position.

When cross-referenced with other reports, time to fill can tell you important things about your hiring process. For example, if your time to hire is relatively short compared to your time to fill, this may indicate a problem with your recruitment campaigns.

6. Cost of hire

There are a lot of hidden hiring costs that may not become apparent without a proper report into them. In the meantime, recruiters, software expenses, advertising, training, and the cost of getting the necessary work done all add up.

Fortunately, this type of report will comprehensively detail every cost involved in hiring a new member of staff. This can help you identify areas for potential savings and get more ROI from your hiring process.

7. Candidate experience

Whatever your industry, your customers expect a good experience. The same is true for applicants.

Oleoo Insights helps you assess each candidate’s experience. With this talent acquisition report, you can identify parts of the process that are consistent pain points among applicants and look at places where candidates regularly drop out.

Supplement these insights by asking applicants how you could improve. By including questions in your recruiting process, you can assess which areas need updating and then use this information to fix the more cumbersome parts of the hiring journey.

8. Employee retention

Your employee retention rate can not only tell you when you might need to think about scheduling new recruitment campaigns, but it can also reveal important things about your company.

For example, a low employee retention rate may indicate that people don’t like working for you or that your rivals are offering more competitive benefits.

An employee retention report is useful for determining how often you may need to recruit new staff and when this is likely to occur.

How to Write a Recruiting Report: Example

A general recruiting report provides insight into and an overview of a given campaign. With Oleeo it’s easy to write as you can quickly bring up detailed information on each element of your campaign and transfer this to the document you’re compiling.

A recruiting report should include:

  • The number of candidates recruited
  • The resources used
  • An expenditure breakdown and total
  • Challenges
  • Suggestions for future improvement
  • A summary of results

Oleeo makes this a simple process. You can bring up all the data, results, and statistics you need to write a comprehensive report at speed, plus graphs and diametrics to demonstrate your points.

Recruitment Reports: The Backbone of Any Recruiting Metrics Template—How Oleeo Insights Can Help You

Recruitment reports should form an integral part of your recruitment process. They offer the kind of accurate and impartial data needed to fully understand your approach, systems, and candidates. 

They can also help you pinpoint your weaknesses, improve recruitment pipelines, boost the candidate experience, and ultimately pick the right person for the job.

If you’re ready to elevate your recruiting process with data-driven insights, allow Oleeo to help. Our ATS software empowers you to leverage data to attract the best candidates and quickly move them through the hiring process.

Contact Us Today for recruiting metrics examples and to find out how we can help you tailor your applications, manage candidates, write job descriptions, and attract diverse candidates to your organization. 

Book A Consultation now.


FAQs About Recruitment Reporting

What are the benefits of recruitment reports?

Recruitment reporting has several benefits. First and foremost, it helps you identify the best candidate for a given position.

In addition, it offers an unbiased, data-based foundation on which to build recruitment campaigns, boosts your recruitment ROI, and provides deeper insight into both candidates and your recruiting processes.

How are recruitment reports used to optimize hiring strategies?

Recruitment reports optimize hiring strategies by helping companies use recruiting data in more effective and efficient ways.

For example, you can use them to look at the recruitment pipeline for each position, identify candidate bottlenecks, and devise ways to break up those bottlenecks and get things flowing again.

Can recruitment reports help improve candidate experience?

Recruitment reports are a great way to improve candidate experience. By using them, you can identify candidate flashpoints and aspects of your process cause frustration.

For example, a time to fill report might show long gaps between each stage of your hiring process. This may be annoying or even upsetting for candidates.

The insight provided by your report helps you know where to concentrate your efforts to improve the hiring process and boost candidate experience.

Cloud Recruitment Software: Streamline Your Hiring

Recruitment is a labour-intensive process with many tasks to complete and a ton of information to manage. Writing and posting job ads, sifting through CVs, scheduling interviews, communicating with candidates. . . it’s hard to do all of that manually without making mistakes.

That’s where cloud recruitment software comes in—and it has many other benefits besides streamlining the hiring process. Let’s take a closer look.

What is Cloud Recruitment Software and How Does it Work?

Cloud recruitment software is a tool for managing and streamlining a company’s recruitment processes. It’s designed to save you time and money by automating workflows and making it easier to find and hire the right candidates.

It’s a type of software-as-a-service (SaaS), so rather than buying and installing the software on your premises, you lease it from a vendor on a subscription basis. The service is provided over the internet and is accessible from any internet-connected device. The data is stored in a remote data centre

Instead of using a collection of separate systems for tasks like job posting, interview scheduling, and background checks, cloud-based recruitment software typically comes as an all-in-one platform. That means you can manage the entire process in one place.

The best cloud recruitment software will combine an Applicant Tracking System with features like candidate management, CV parsing, analytics, and reporting.

The Benefits of Cloud Recruiting Software

Cloud recruitment software brings several advantages for businesses. Here are just a few:

It saves time

Cloud recruiting software is designed to be fast and reliable, with automation to speed up time-consuming tasks. For example, it enables you to post job ads simultaneously across multiple platforms and scans hundreds of CVs to help you find the most suitable candidates.

There’s no need for employees to manually transcribe information, which also reduces errors. And with all data and documentation in one central hub, you won’t waste time searching through files or email threads. This faster hiring process means you can get people into roles quickly.

It cuts down on your costs

By reducing time to hire, you’re also reducing cost per hire. There are fewer errors to delay the hiring process, and the software also improves employee productivity. You can easily set up Virtual Recruiting via online interviews and careers fairs, minimising travel and hosting expenses.

Cloud software has a minimal upfront cost compared to on-premises systems. The vendor takes care of maintenance and upgrades, and you only pay for what you use. Installation is swift, and the software is easy to use without extensive training.

It improves communication and collaboration

Cloud based recruitment platforms are ideal for collaboration. They typically have a central dashboard where everyone can see the latest information, and it’s easy to share CVs, interview notes, and candidate feedback. Your team can get together to discuss applications and strategies even if they’re working remotely.

But it’s not just about internal communication. These tools also help you keep candidates updated on the progress of their applications and enable you to organize personalised email campaigns as part of your recruitment strategy.

It can be tailored to suit your specific needs

Another benefit of cloud SaaS software is that it’s not restrictive. You’ll have a choice of pricing tiers or a fully tailored plan, which you can amend whenever your needs change. Add extra users if you’re expanding the team for a busy period, or remove them when things are quiet.

You can also add features, while customisation options include setting up automated workflows and specific reports. The best software integrates with your existing systems, such as HR, providing further scalability.

It’s accessible from anywhere

Cloud-based staffing software is accessible on any device, anywhere, any time (so long as you have a reliable internet connection). That makes it perfect for remote and hybrid companies, as well as recruiters who need to check the system while attending a careers event, for example.

It enables you to set up a BYOD (bring your own device) culture in physical offices and also makes it easy for global businesses to recruit from around the world. With a central database, everyone sees the same information no matter where they’re located.

It’s better for the environment

If all your documents are stored in the cloud, you don’t have to use physical paper or printing ink. That’s one reason why cloud recruiting is eco-friendly. It also offers lower energy consumption, as you don’t need servers on your premises­—all of the required processing power is in the vendor’s data centre.

Plus, you can minimise travel by using virtual recruitment, interviewing, and onboarding candidates online. Remote colleagues don’t need to get together in person for meetings, either.

It keeps sensitive information safe and secure

Recruiters have a lot of sensitive data to handle, from CVs to contact details to interview notes. Cloud software lets you keep all this information digitally in one place instead of on physical paper in filing cabinets. This makes it less likely that important documents will go astray.

And, as long as you choose software with top-notch security, such as data encryption and access control, you’ll be protected against potential data breaches or non-compliance.

Key Features to Look Out For in Cloud Recruitment Software

Every cloud recruitment system is slightly different, but here are some essentials to check for:

  • Applicant tracking system (ATS): This tool can track applicants throughout the recruiting and hiring process, using automation to enable high-volume recruitment and reduce time-to-hire. It helps you to create accurate job descriptions and post them in the right places and allows the whole team to view an applicant’s status at any time.
  • CV parsing: This feature will scan multiple CVs to flag the best candidates and filter out unsuitable ones based on your own criteria. You can ask the tool to look for specific skills and qualifications and search for relevant keywords in CVs uploaded to job boards and social media sites.
  • Candidate management: Recruiters need to provide timely communication with applicants, so look for software that automates and schedules messaging to keep them in the loop. Convenient tools like auto-fill online applications and self-service interview scheduling will also appeal to candidates.
  • Virtual recruiting: Choose a solution that lets you hold virtual interviews and events, plus remote onboarding and training. Some tools enable pre-recorded and one-way video interviews for high-volume recruitment, plus mobile registration and check-ins for online events.
  • Analytics/reporting: With these tools, you can gain insights into the performance of your Recruitment Funnel and use the results to improve. You can identify trends, such as which applicants are responding to which posts, and ensure you maintain diversity.
  • Integrations: It’s ideal if your software can integrate with your existing systems, such as video conferencing, calendars, and HR tools.
  • Security: Look out for solutions that perform regular backups and include data encryption, user access controls, and compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR.

Utilise Cloud Recruitment Software for a Smoother Hiring Process

As we’ve seen, cloud recruitment software is crucial if you want to streamline your hiring processes and recruit at scale. By keeping all your information in one central hub, you’ll save time and improve collaboration. The data is accessible from anywhere, so it’s easy to stay updated (and keep candidates in the loop, too).

If you choose an advanced solution like Oleeo, you can customise the software with bespoke workflows to meet your company’s unique needs. It comes with AI and automation to enable high-volume recruitment, and the applicant tracking system can reduce your time to hire by 50%.

Alongside CV Parsing, other handy features include virtual recruiting, events management, and analytics. You can use AI to detect and remove unconscious bias from your processes and allow candidates to complete applications from their social media profiles for maximum convenience.

FAQs about Cloud Recruitment Software

How does cloud recruitment software differ from traditional recruitment systems?

Traditional recruitment systems involved either manual spreadsheets and paper documents or several different types of software for different tasks, all installed on your premises. Cloud recruiting software is completely digital and gives you a unified platform that’s owned and managed by the vendor. That makes it more affordable and efficient. Everything is in one place, and it’s easy to automate workflows and communicate with colleagues and candidates in any location.

Is cloud recruitment software secure?

Cloud-based recruiting software is typically more secure than an on-premises system. For example, Oleeo is accredited to ISO 27001:2013 and monitored using regular security audits, compliance checks, and protection of sensitive data. That’s why it’s used by law enforcement and healthcare organizations as well as businesses. Plus, with everything housed in the cloud, you’ll know exactly where all your information is.

How does cloud recruitment software improve the candidate experience?

Apart from making life easier for recruiters, cloud software also benefits candidates. It gives them the convenience of applying online with auto-fill forms and receiving regular updates on the progress of their application. Virtual interviews and events also enhance the experience. Cloud recruiters can also record candidate feedback and use it to make further improvements.

How do I choose the right cloud recruitment software for my organization?

There are a lot of cloud recruitment solutions out there, so make sure you do plenty of research and take advantage of free demos and trials of the software. Some tools will have free versions, but these probably won’t offer as much functionality—and they’re not as scalable. Check exactly what the plan includes and choose the most suitable software for your organisation.

Enterprise Applicant Tracking Systems: A Comprehensive Guide

The bigger your company is, the more people you’ll have to manage—including new recruits and applicants. Unless you’re using the right enterprise applicant tracking system, that’s not a fun challenge to tackle.

In this article, we’ll cover exactly what an enterprise ATS is and whether you need one, along with the benefits and downsides that come with them. 

For now, all we’ll say is that they’re well worth learning about, if only because they have the potential to revolutionize your approach to enterprise-level recruiting.

What Is An Enterprise ATS, and Does My Business Need One?

An enterprise applicant tracking system is a type of recruitment technology. It exists to help you track, manage, and support applicants and new recruits on their journey to become part of your business.

If that sounds like a lot, it’s because it is—in the best way. An enterprise ATS is the kind of tool that helps with a lot of different things and empowers you to run a good chunk of your internal processes more efficiently.

But does that mean every business needs one? The simple answer is ‘no’. As long as you’ve got enough employees, it’s possible, in the strictest sense of the word, to do everything by hand. However, they’ll have to sort through every application, contact every candidate, and plan every recruitment strategy manually.

That’s why we recommend an ATS solution for any enterprise that expects to recruit at least some new candidates each year. These tools enable you to do things more efficiently and in ways that will help your employees get the most out of their working hours.

What Benefits Does an Enterprise Applicant Tracking System Offer My Company?

Applicant tracking systems are useful for a variety of reasons, particularly if you’re running a larger enterprise. Here are a few of the most notable upsides.

  • Better, more diverse recruiting standards thanks to the removal of human bias, including and especially unconscious biases.
  • The ability to streamline high-volume recruiting and simplify the process of sifting through potentially hundreds of applications each day.
  • More opportunities for accessible recruiting thanks to the fact your ATS can help you easily record (and thus accommodate) the needs of applicants.
  • A single, accessible spot to store all your information on applicants, so you can find what you need right away.
  • A paper trail of evidence for any disputes or disagreements that may arise, so these can be resolved in a fair and fact-based way.
  • The opportunity to form stronger bonds with new recruits, as you’re able to communicate and connect with them more easily via your ATS.
  • Lower churn rates, since your company can stay on top of recruits’ needs more efficiently.
  • The ability to gather data on your recruits so you can track metrics and compare your observed progress to your goals and projections.
  • Faster, easier talent acquisition thanks to the automated streamlining of workflows related to bringing recruits on board.

The Essential Features to Look for in an Enterprise ATS

So, how can you start reaping these benefits as quickly as possible? The answer lies in finding the right kind of enterprise ATS, which is something we can assist with. 

We’ve listed the following features to help you separate a good solution from a great one. The more of these an applicant tracking system offers, the more benefits it will afford you once you start using it.


While the rest of this list is in no particular order, there’s a good reason why customizability is at the top. The more customizable a solution is, the more likely it is to fit your needs without leaving any gaps.

In other words, you should be able to adjust your ATS to include exactly what you need without paying for features you’re not interested in. This way, you get to access all the advantages of an applicant tracking system without paying over the odds.

Specifically, make sure you can adjust the workflows within your ATS to reflect your preferences. 


It’s also crucial to make sure your system of choice is easy to use. It should involve only a shallow learning curve. Employees who have questions about it should be able to find the answers to these with ease.

User-friendliness is important even after everyone has learned how to navigate your new solution. That’s because your employees will continue to rely on this software to help them with their daily work. If it’s simple to use every time, they’ll always know they can count on it to support their needs, as well as those of your applicants.

Workflow streamlining

For your recruitment funnel to work optimally, you must make sure your internal processes are efficient. That’s much easier when your ATS of choice supports you in streamlining as many workflows as possible.

Many cutting-edge ATS providers will help make this happen by offering automation.

Since automation lets you hand over repetitive workflows to bots, it frees up more time in your employees’ schedules while ensuring work is completed to your usual high standard. This leaves employees available to focus on tasks that require a human touch, like interviews, for example.

Anonymous screening

When you’re recruiting, you want to keep personal bias to a minimum. This is far easier when you’ve got access to anonymous screening features like the kind Oleeo offers.

By keeping applicants’ identities hidden during the initial screening process, you can ensure you’re not influenced by unconscious bias that could lead you to eliminate valuable candidates unnecessarily. This will help make your recruitment process fairer and more equal.

Artificial intelligence

We’ve already touched on the importance of automation, but what about artificial intelligence? Is it really that important to a good-quality ATS?

As it turns out, it is. Where humans need to work introspectively to unlearn their biases, AI can be trained not to have any in the first place. This makes it ideally suited to fair and diverse recruitment and an integral part of choosing the right ATS for your enterprise.

The Challenges an Enterprise ATS Can Present and How to Solve Them 

As useful as they are, applicant tracking systems do come with certain challenges. Though these are minor in comparison to the benefits we covered, they’re still worth considering.

We discuss three of these below and show you how to overcome them.

Implementation and integration

Choosing an ATS can take a fair while, and the process of starting to use it doesn’t end there. You’ve also got to physically implement it within your company and make sure it works seamlessly with your existing tech stack.

To that end, user-friendliness comes into the picture again. Choosing an ATS that’s simple to set up and doesn’t require much technical expertise will save you time when it comes to implementation and help you troubleshoot issues if something does go wrong.

As for integration, it’s important to check whether your chosen solution is compatible with the ones you’re already using before you make your purchase. If it’s flexible and adaptable, it’s likely to integrate more easily.

Universal adoption

Whether it’s because they don’t want to learn how to use a new system, they’re confused, or they struggle to adjust to new tech, not everyone will automatically swap over to your enterprise ATS after it’s been implemented.

This can lead to friction between teams or within them. In particular, if half of a team is using your ATS and the other half isn’t, they’re likely to run into problems with workflow completion and task delegation.

Thankfully, you can resolve this relatively easily. All you’ve got to do is set aside time to explain to everyone what the new enterprise ATS will look like and how it works.

You’ll also want to let your team know in advance that you’re exploring the option of an enterprise applicant tracking system. This keeps miscommunication to a minimum and ensures everyone’s prepared for the changeover.

Swapping all workflows over

The process of digitizing and/or moving your workflows from your old system to a more efficient ATS can take time. It can be complicated too (unless you’ve chosen an ATS that offers you lots of help and support).

That’s why choosing a user-friendly solution is vital. The easier it is to create new workflows within your ATS, the faster you’ll be able to transfer your daily tasks across to it. This also simplifies the process of automating and streamlining existing workflows.

Perfect Your Recruitment Process with an Enterprise Applicant Tracking System

The enterprise applicant tracking systems you consider need to complement your business needs, as well as adapt to your preferences. Additionally, they should offer you all kinds of benefits while minimizing risks and challenges.

Oleeo is ideally suited to this. Being both AI-powered and highly flexible, it enables you to get your ATS set up and running smoothly in no time. Try it for yourself to experience its many benefits and transformative capabilities!

Recruitment in Finance Step-By-Step Guide: Top 10 Easy Tips For Getting Started Effectively

Recruitment in finance is more complex than ever. It’s hard to find good people with the right skills because of the rise of fintech (financial technology) providers and the growth of digitization in the industry. 

However, it’s not all doom and gloom. Our recruitment tips for finance businesses can help you find the right people to support your growth. 

In this article, we’ll talk about the difficulties of finance staffing. We’ll also cover the role of financial recruiters, common mistakes to avoid, and trends to monitor. You can use this information to your advantage when recruiting top financial talent for your company.

How Do I Get My Finance Recruiting Started?

Starting your journey into financial recruiting can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some simple steps to unlock hidden talent through your efforts.

Build your knowledge base

Stay updated with industry trends, news, and best practices. Follow reputable finance blogs, attend webinars, and read books related to the subject. This will enhance your understanding and credibility as a recruiter.

Networking is key

Be sure to establish connections with professionals in the finance field, too. Join industry-related groups on social media platforms like LinkedIn, attend finance-related events, and converse with finance professionals. Networking helps you gain insights and build relationships, which can benefit accounting recruitment.

Develop a recruitment strategy

Additionally, create a clear plan outlining your recruitment strategy. Identify your target candidates, where to find them, and the most effective ways to engage with them. Utilize online job boards, social media, and professional networks to source potential candidates.

Leverage technology

Explore recruiting tools and software designed for finance recruitment. Applicant tracking systems (ATSs) and specialized finance job boards can streamline your recruitment process and help you manage candidates efficiently.

What does a finance recruiter do?

Finance recruiting involves connecting talented individuals with finance-related job opportunities. Here’s a breakdown of what a finance recruiter typically does.

Talent sourcing

Finance recruiters actively seek out potential candidates for finance-related positions. They use various channels, such as job boards, social media, referrals, and networking, to find qualified individuals.

Candidate screening and evaluation

Once potential candidates are identified, finance recruiters will review resumes, conduct initial interviews, and assess candidates’ skills, qualifications, and experience. They’ll ensure that candidates meet the job requirements and possess the necessary finance-related expertise.

Collaborating with employers

Recruiters in finance work closely with hiring managers and employers to understand their specific needs and the requirements for finance roles. They assist in creating job descriptions, advise on market trends, and facilitate the hiring process.

Facilitating the hiring process

From scheduling interviews to negotiating job offers, finance recruiters guide both candidates and employers through the hiring process. They ensure a smooth and efficient recruitment experience for all parties involved.

Why is Finance Recruitment So Difficult?

Recruiting in the finance sector comes with a unique set of challenges due to various factors that make this a demanding field to navigate.

Key challenges in financial recruitment

  • A competitive market. The finance industry is highly competitive, creating a scarcity of qualified candidates. Multiple businesses frequently compete for top talent, making it difficult to recruit and keep skilled workers.
  • Specialized skill requirements. Positions in finance often require specialized skills and expertise, such as knowledge of financial regulations, accounting principles, or specific software proficiency. Finding candidates with such a precise skill set can be difficult.
  • A stringent regulatory environment. Finance roles often require candidates who understand and comply with complex regulatory frameworks. Recruiting individuals who possess both financial expertise and compliance knowledge can be daunting.
  • Demand for experienced candidates. Many finance roles demand candidates with prior experience in the industry. Entry-level positions may be lacking, making it challenging for new graduates or those transitioning from other industries to enter finance roles.
  • Salary expectations. Competitive salaries and benefits are expected in the finance sector, especially for candidates with high-demand skills. Meeting these salary expectations within budget constraints can pose a challenge for recruiters.
  • High expectations from employers. Employer branding in finance often sets high expectations for candidates regarding qualifications, experience, and performance. Finding candidates who meet these stringent criteria can be arduous.

10 Top Tips for Effective Recruitment in Finance

So, what are some tips for effective recruitment in finance? 

1. Complete a financial recruitment strategy audit

Before diving into recruitment, conduct an audit of your current strategy. Evaluate what’s working well and identify areas that need improvement. Assess your resources, tools, and methods to optimize your approach to financial recruitment.

2. Create a new and improved financial recruitment strategy

A strategic approach is crucial in financial recruitment. Crafting a detailed strategy helps align your efforts with organizational goals, streamlines the hiring process, and ensures a consistent approach to finding the right talent.

3. Develop a recruiter brand

Establishing a strong recruiter brand helps attract top finance talent. Highlight your company culture, values, and career growth opportunities to create a compelling narrative that resonates with potential candidates. Consistent branding across platforms fosters trust and interest among job seekers.

4. Ask the right interview questions

Craft interview questions that assess not only technical skills but cultural fit and problem-solving abilities. Inquire about specific scenarios related to financial analysis, risk management, regulatory compliance, and strategic decision-making to vet candidates effectively.

5. Don’t focus on salaries—focus on what you need

Instead of fixating on salary discussions, emphasize the overall value proposition of the role. Highlight opportunities for skill development, career progression, challenging projects, and work-life balance to attract candidates interested in holistic career growth.

6. Align business goals with recruitment objectives

Understand the broader organizational objectives and ensure your recruitment efforts are aligned with these goals. This will help in recruiting candidates who not only fit the job role but contribute positively to the company’s long-term success.

7. Create a positive candidate experience

A positive candidate experience is vital in financial recruitment. Ensure a smooth, transparent, and respectful process for applicants, regardless of the hiring outcome. Prompt communication, feedback, and a seamless interview process will all contribute to a favorable candidate experience.

8. Leverage employee referrals

Encourage and incentivize employee referrals for finance positions. This is especially effective for high-volume hiring

Employees can be valuable sources for identifying top talent and vouch for the company culture, potentially attracting candidates who align well with your organization.

9. Embrace diversity and inclusion

Promote diversity and inclusion in your financial recruitment. A diverse team brings varied perspectives and innovative solutions. Ensure your recruitment practices are inclusive to attract candidates from various backgrounds.

10. Utilize data and analytics

Leverage data and analytics to track the effectiveness of your recruitment strategies. Analyze metrics like time to fill, candidate sourcing channels, and retention rates to refine and optimize your efforts.

How to Advertise Finance Jobs Successfully: A Quick Step-By-Step Guide

1. Craft compelling job descriptions

  • Clear and concise content. Write job descriptions that clearly outline the responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations of the role. Avoid jargon and ensure readability.
  • Highlight company culture. Emphasize your company’s values, culture, and opportunities for growth to attract candidates who align with your organization.

2. Choose the right job platforms

  • Utilize specialized finance job boards. Post job listings on finance-specific platforms to target candidates with relevant expertise.
  • Explore social media. Share job postings on professional networks like LinkedIn to reach a broader audience of finance professionals.

3. Optimize for search engines

  • Use relevant keywords. Incorporate industry-specific keywords in job titles and descriptions to improve visibility in search engines and on job boards.
  • SEO-friendly content. Ensure your job postings are search engine optimized for better organic reach.

4. Leverage employee referrals

  • Encourage employee involvement. Tap into your existing workforce for referrals. Offer incentives to employees who refer candidates for finance positions.
  • Highlight referral benefits. Showcase the advantages of employee referrals in internal communications to encourage participation.

5. Engage in networking

  • Attend finance-related events. Participate in industry conferences, seminars, and networking events to connect with potential candidates.
  • Build relationships. Engage with finance professionals on social media platforms and professional forums to widen your network.

6. Utilize visual content

  • Create engaging visuals. Use visuals like infographics or videos to complement job postings. Visual content will attract attention, and it can also provide an overview of the role and company culture.

7. Implement a strong call-to-action

  • Clear application instructions. Provide straightforward directions for applying, including necessary documents and contact information.
  • Encourage action. Use compelling language to prompt interested candidates to apply or inquire further about the role.

8. Monitor and optimize

  • Track performance metrics. Monitor the performance of job advertisements. Analyze metrics such as views, clicks, and application rates to assess the effectiveness of different channels.
  • Adjust strategies. Based on data insights, refine your advertising approach to optimize your reach and engagement among potential candidates.

Recruitment in Financial Services: Avoid These Common Mistakes 

Neglecting compliance requirements

Mistake: Overlooking regulatory compliance and industry-specific certifications during candidate evaluation.

Solution: Ensure candidates possess the certifications and compliance knowledge relevant to financial roles.

Focusing solely on technical skills

Mistake: Prioritizing technical prowess over interpersonal skills and cultural fit.

Solution: Assess technical expertise and soft skills crucial for client interaction, teamwork, and adaptability.

Ignoring the importance of cultural fit

Mistake: Disregarding cultural alignment with company and team dynamics.

Solution: Evaluate candidates’ values, work ethic, and alignment with the organization’s culture to ensure a harmonious fit.

Rushing the hiring process

Mistake: Hastily hiring due to urgent vacancies without thorough candidate assessment.

Solution: Maintain a structured hiring process, conduct comprehensive interviews, and verify credentials diligently.

Overlooking candidate experience

Mistake: Providing a subpar candidate experience during the recruitment process.

Solution: Prioritize clear communication, prompt feedback, and a positive candidate journey to enhance the experience, irrespective of the hiring outcome.

Not leveraging employee referrals

Mistake: Underestimating the value of employee referrals in financial services recruitment.

Solution: Encourage and incentivize employees to refer suitable candidates, tapping into their networks for potential hires.

Failure to adapt to technology

Mistake: Not leveraging modern recruitment technologies and tools.

Solution: Embrace applicant tracking systems (ATSs), AI-driven tools, and digital platforms to streamline recruitment processes and reach a wider pool of candidates.

Neglecting diversity and inclusion

Mistake: Overlooking diversity and inclusion efforts in the hiring process.

Solution: Promote diversity by actively seeking candidates from varied backgrounds and fostering an inclusive workplace culture.

Offering inadequate compensation packages

Mistake: Offering uncompetitive salary packages and benefits.

Solution: Research market standards and provide competitive compensation packages to attract top finance talent.

Failing to communicate clear expectations

Mistake: Not setting clear job expectations and growth opportunities during the hiring process.

Solution: Clearly articulate job roles, career paths, and growth prospects to attract candidates aligned with the company’s vision.

Six Financial Services Industry Recruiting Trends

Emphasis on digital skills

  • Fintech expertise. The financial services industry is increasingly seeking professionals with expertise in fintech, blockchain, AI, and data analytics.
  • Digital transformation roles. Demand will increase for candidates skilled in driving digital transformation within financial institutions.

Remote work and flexibility

  • Remote work opportunities. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work in the financial services sector, leading to increased job postings offering remote or hybrid work arrangements.
  • Flexibility. Companies must continue to focus on offering flexible work schedules to attract and retain top talent.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives

  • Diversity focus. Financial firms will prioritize DEI initiatives, aiming to create more diverse and inclusive workplaces. Recruitment strategies will focus on attracting candidates from diverse backgrounds.

Enhanced candidate experiences

  • Improved recruitment experience. Employers will put effort into enhancing the candidate experience by streamlining application processes, offering timely feedback, and providing a transparent hiring journey.

Skills-based hiring and upskilling

  • Focus on skills. Employers look set to shift their focus from traditional qualifications to skills-based hiring, considering candidates with relevant skills regardless of their formal education.
  • Upskilling initiatives. Companies will invest in upskilling their existing workforce to meet evolving industry needs.

AI and automation in recruitment 

  • AI integration. There will be increased use of AI-driven tools in recruitment processes for screening resumes, automating initial candidate assessments, and improving efficiency in talent acquisition.

Oleeo’s Finance Recruitment Software Puts the Right Candidates in Your Hands 

Discover how Oleeo’s finance recruitment software can streamline your hiring process and connect you with top finance talent. With its innovative tools and AI-driven solutions, Oleeo provides efficient access to the right candidates.

Why not maximize your recruitment success by leveraging its comprehensive platform today? 

FAQs About Recruitment in Finance

Will AI make finance recruitment more diverse?

AI tools can help eliminate bias in recruitment processes by focusing exclusively on skills and qualifications. However, their efficacy depends on how these algorithms are developed and trained to ensure fair and unbiased candidate selection.

Do I need to volume hire in finance recruitment?

The need for volume hiring in finance will vary based on the organization. Some scenarios, like expanding teams or increased seasonal demand, may necessitate it. 

However, quality shouldn’t be compromised for quantity; maintaining high hiring standards remains crucial even in volume hiring scenarios.

What is Campus Recruitment – A Comprehensive Guide

Organizations are always on the lookout for fresh talent, and college campus recruitment is a great strategy for finding it.

In this article, we’ll look at what campus recruitment is, how it can benefit your organization, and how you can plan an effective campus recruitment strategy for your brand.

What Is Campus Recruitment?

Campus and university recruitment is the process of recruiting job candidates straight out of college or university. 

The goal of campus recruitment is to create relationships between businesses and soon-to-be graduates. Organizations send recruitment representatives to college campuses to scout for talent, get to know students and create brand visibility.

On-campus recruiting offers a unique opportunity to source early talent. 

Students, especially those nearing graduation, are already looking ahead. They’re considering where to apply for their first roles and how they want to progress in their career. 

College campus recruitment presents organizations to those students, creating a relationship early on in their career path with the aim of hiring fresh talent straight out of college.

Why Is Campus Recruiting Important?

College campuses are a fount of potential. Yet studies show an increased anxiety in undergraduates. Concern about the current economic climate has led to students starting their job searches sooner and applying for more jobs than ever. 

According to a study by NACE (the National Association of Colleges and Employers), businesses are expected to hire 3.9% more graduates from the class of 2023 than the previous year.

The jobs need filling, and graduates are primed and ready to fill them. 

Campus recruitment brings organizations and students together at a crucial time, creating solutions to both graduates’ concerns and business needs. 

What is a Campus Recruiter and What Do They Do?

Campus recruiters are responsible for planning and executing campus hiring strategies. The role includes:

  • Liaising with colleges
  • Collaborating with HR to understand company hiring needs
  • Identifying which colleges produce candidates best suited to their organization 
  • Attending recruitment events
  • Evaluating student skills and personalities
  • Guiding students through the recruitment process
  • Marketing their brand
  • Analyzing Recruitment Metrics to create better strategies

Campus recruiters consider short-term goals like immediate staffing needs, as well as long-term goals like organizational growth and future-proofing. 

Recruiters can offer graduate schemes, internships, or full-time employment to college students with potential. They can also offer integrated work experience, like internships that run alongside university courses. 

Your organization can train existing HR employees to become campus recruiters, or you can outsource the job to a recruitment agency. 

The Benefits of Campus Recruitment Explained

College campus recruitment has numerous advantages for organizations, students, and colleges alike.

Businesses get first pick of the best talent

New graduates are raring to go. They’re eager to learn, grow, and start their new careers. 

They’re also qualified and ready to put those newfound skills and academic achievements to good work. 

By utilizing university recruitment strategies, your business gets access to fresh talent early on in their job search–before any other companies can snatch them up, and before they become worn out by modern job application purgatory.

Building lasting relationships with students

For students eager to start their careers, the first brands they see will create a lasting impression. 

Students want future stability, and your presence at campus career events is a glimmer of hope for them. Introducing candidates to your brand early and working with them before approaching with an employment offer builds lasting partnerships.

By canvassing your company’s benefits, job roles, and company culture, graduates are far more likely to accept your offer than to look elsewhere. 

Building relationships between businesses and colleges

Campus recruitment allows brands to build mutually beneficial relationships with colleges and universities. 

An organization gains access to a consistent pool of fresh talent, and the university gets a cut of the success by gaining a higher percentage of students in full-time employment following graduation (a statistic that is used as a notable marketing technique for universities).

Networking opportunities 

According to a 2023 Gitnux report, 80% of job openings are not published or advertised, and a whopping 85% of jobs are filled through networking. 

Campus recruitment can bridge this gap between students and job openings, offering networking opportunities to students who might not understand the importance of networking.

Improving brand visibility 

All organizations strive for brand visibility and discovery. 

Bringing your brand to campuses allows you to showcase what your company has to offer. This can leave a lasting impression on students, who are more likely to consider applying for jobs at your organization.  

Campuses aren’t just a place to hire students, though; they might also be your target audience. 

College campuses can be huge, and your potential candidates are only a small percentage of the overall student population. Your presence on campus acts as marketing to those students, too–not for careers, but for products, social media channels, and brand personality. 

This makes college campuses a great place to create brand visibility, encourage brand discovery, and learn what makes the next generation of consumers tick. 

How to Build an Effective Campus Recruitment Strategy

Now that we understand the ins and outs of campus recruitment, how can we create an effective recruitment strategy? 

Consider your hiring needs

The first part of planning a college campus recruitment strategy is understanding the needs of your organization. 


  • Your recruitment budget
  • What and how many roles need to be filled
  • Your future growth as an organization
  • The type of candidates you’re looking for
  • The qualifications and skills required
  • The colleges that excel in producing those skills

Once you’ve figured all this out, it’s time to get recruiting.

Connect with schools

Colleges generally have career centers to facilitate graduate employment. 

Your organization should connect with each school’s career center and establish a relationship with them. 

The career center can discuss upcoming Campus Recruiting Events and the requirements for attending. They can also facilitate communication with students, create collaboration opportunities, and coordinate scheduling so that you can plan the timeline of your campus recruitment strategy.

Approach professors and support staff

Who can advise you on the best student for a particular role?

Few people understand the skills and potential of a student more than their teachers. Building relationships with educators allows you to go to them for advice. If you have a particular student in mind for a specific role, their teacher can help you gauge their suitability.

Create good branding

Attracting talent requires good branding, but many organizations struggle with that.

We can’t all be Nike or Apple. Most companies aren’t well-known, and younger generations are notoriously picky about which brands they support. This can make branding difficult. 

Just like with sales, it’s important to research your target audience before reaching out. 

The latest crop of graduates belongs primarily to Gen Z, a generation that rejects flashy marketing for a more authentic approach. They place a higher value on inclusivity than previous generations, demand fair pay and a reasonable work-life balance, and strive for stability in an increasingly volatile world. 

Knowing your audience can help you craft the right kind of branding to attract Gen Z graduates to your brand, regardless of how big or small your company is. 

Look at past resumes

Usually, recruitment requires a wall of text between recruiters and candidates: the resume. Resumes are a vital tool for discerning a candidate’s academic success, skills, and job experience. But they don’t tell the whole story.

One major benefit of college campus recruitment is that your representatives get to meet potential candidates in person. This creates a more personal connection between your organization and students, painting a more holistic picture of every candidate. 

What kind of person are they? What is their sense of humor like? Are they friendly and approachable? Do they seem like the right fit for your company culture? 

These are things a resume can’t tell you, but in-person recruitment can. University recruitment gets boots on the ground, allowing recruiters to gauge candidates on a personal and individual level.

Go online

Gen Z is a generation of digital natives who grew up with the “internetification” of everything from social awareness to following trends to academia.

In a Forbes interview with Biz Sherbert, Karen Correia da Silva, and Rachel Lee of The Digital Fairy’s Fairy Futures, they discuss how Gen Z uses online tools for brand discovery, career aspirations, and career progression. 

In short, Gen Z are more likely to go online to support their careers. 

To take your campus recruitment strategies to the next level, get online and meet this generation of students where they are. 

You can:

  • Create a social media presence for your brand.
  • If you already have social media channels, use them to craft career outreach to students by advertising your organization’s job postings, benefits, and company culture.
  • Create an online portal for job postings and filter students to it through in-person career fairs. 
  • Utilize job search websites.

These strategies can help you attract internet-savvy Gen Z candidates who prefer to do things online rather than in-person. 

Utilize automation 

Campus recruitment is a complex process that requires juggling responsibilities, planning strategies, and handling an endless stream of candidates.

Automating certain tasks can lighten the load.

You can utilize Campus Recruiting Software to streamline the campus recruitment journey, from event management to filtering applicants to virtual campus recruitment. This gives recruiters more time to focus on thoughtful, creative, and personal responsibilities. 

How Can College Recruitment Software Help You with Campus Recruitment?

Recruitment software like Oleeo is a fantastic tool for helping you with bulk processing of candidates, intelligent selection using artificial intelligence, and removing bias from candidate selection and job postings. 

There is also a deep emphasis on Candidate Experience, with a longstanding value on building meaningful relationships with candidates. 

If you want to get involved with campus recruitment, or book a demo, Contact Us Today.

4 Cost Effective Ways to Attract the Best Talent in the Market

The people you hire directly reflects your organisation, attracting the best talent can be a challenge, especially for organisations with limited resources. However, there are multiple cost-effective strategies that can help you stand out as an employer of choice and attract top talent.

1. Create a compelling employer brand

This involves creating a strong and attractive image of your company as an employer, highlighting your company culture, values, mission, and benefits. This can help you stand out from competitors and attract top talent that aligns with your organisation’s vision. You can then utilise online platforms and social media to showcase your company culture, values, and job openings.

2. Employee referrals

Encourage your current employees to refer their friends and colleagues. Existing colleagues are likely to recommend people that will not only add value to your organisation but will also fit into your company culture. Therefore, employee referrals can be an efficient way to find top talent that will stick around for years to come.

3. Offer flexible work arrangements

Today’s employees are increasingly seeking flexible work arrangements, such as remote work or flexible schedules. Offering these types of arrangements, where possible, can help you stand out as an employer and attract top talent who values work-life balance. Creating a positive and supportive work environment that values diversity, inclusiveness, and employee development will help you attract and retain employees. Encourage open communication, provide opportunities for growth and development, and show your employees that they are valued.

4. Use a configurable Applicant Tracking System (ATS)

If you have a small HR team and/or need to hire high volumes, implementing a configurable Applicant Tracking System (ATS) will speed up the recruitment process and satisfy any unique company needs. Many ATS tools use AI to sift through hundreds of resumes and filter out those who are most qualified. By using these systems to automate tedious parts of recruiting, you can spend your time building and nurturing relationships with the best candidates. Instead of playing phone tag with your recruits, they can use the ATS software to tell you which times work best for them and schedule their own interviews.

By using these cost-effective strategies, you can build  and retain a strong and talented team. To learn more about how Oleeo can help you achieve all the above, chat to one of our recruitment experts.

Talent Pipeline: Definition, Benefits & Strategy

In today’s competitive talent landscape, organisations are constantly striving to attract, engage, and retain top talent. A critical factor in achieving this goal is reducing the time to hire. A lengthy hiring process can lead to lost opportunities, increased costs, and a negative impact on brand reputation. Fortunately, creating a robust talent pipeline is an effective strategy to significantly reduce the time to hire. Oleeo works with organisations like The Department of Work and Pensions which achieved an internal fill rate of 70%.

Establishing a Tactical Framework of Job Groups

A strategic approach to talent pipelining begins with establishing a comprehensive framework of job groups. This involves identifying and classifying roles based on shared skills, competencies, and experience requirements. By grouping similar roles, organisations can streamline sourcing, recruitment, and onboarding processes.

Aligning the Organisation

Effective talent pipelining requires alignment across the organisation. This alignment ensures that all stakeholders, including hiring managers, recruiters, and HR professionals, are working towards a common goal. Clear communication, collaboration, and shared accountability are essential for success.

Maximising the Reserve List of Candidates

Maintaining a reserve list of qualified candidates is crucial for filling open positions quickly and efficiently. This reserve list should be populated with candidates who have expressed interest in working for the organisation and have demonstrated the necessary skills and experience. Regularly reviewing and updating the reserve list ensures that a pool of potential candidates is readily available when needed.

The Significance of Talent Pipelining

A well-developed talent pipeline is a strategic asset that enables organisations to proactively identify, attract, and engage qualified candidates, ensuring a steady supply of top talent to meet future hiring needs. This approach not only reduces the time to hire but also enhances the quality of hires, leading to improved employee engagement, productivity, and overall organisational success.   

Time to hire is particularly acute in more senior roles and is exacerbated by complex pre-employment checks. When some checks can take over three months, the reserve list is critical to reducing the time to hire. By using internal talent pipelines Central Government departments Oleeo works with have achieved an internal fill rate of between 30 to 70%.  DWP has achieved a fill rate of 70%. 

The Role of Applicant Tracking Systems in Talent Pipelining

Organisations are constantly seeking innovative strategies to optimise their recruitment processes and build a strong talent pipeline. Technology, particularly applicant tracking systems (ATS), has emerged as a powerful tool to streamline the hiring process and effectively manage talent pools.

How Applicant Tracking Systems Facilitate Talent Pipelining

Public Sector Applicant tracking Systems play a pivotal role in building and managing effective talent pipelines. These systems provide a centralised platform for sourcing, screening, and managing candidate data, streamlining the entire hiring process.

1. Enhanced Sourcing and Candidate Discovery:

ATS software offers advanced sourcing capabilities, enabling recruiters to tap into a vast pool of potential candidates through various online channels and job boards. Additionally, ATS software can leverage skills, experience searches and candidate profiles to identify and attract qualified individuals who match specific job requirements.

2. Streamlined Application and Reviewing Process:

ATS software automates and streamlines the application process, providing a user-friendly interface for candidates to submit their CVs and relevant information. This automation reduces manual tasks, allowing recruiters to focus on evaluating candidate profiles and identifying promising matches.

3. Automated Candidate Screening and Evaluation:

ATS software utilises various screening tools, skills assessments, and behavioural questionnaires, to evaluate candidates based on predefined criteria. This automation helps recruiters quickly identify candidates who meet the essential requirements for open positions, prioritising the most suitable candidates for further review.

In July 2020 the UK government announced plans to double the number of Work Coaches employed by the DWP – recruiting an additional 4,500 work coaches in seven weeks. 

Application and hiring processes needed to run centrally, whilst serving the needs of 600 job centres. They needed to scale up with thousands of applications and adhere to strict civil service recruitment principles.

Oleeo’s configurable platform met their needs. There were too many applications to host live interviews, so everything was automated using pre-recorded interview exercises.  

This resulted in a 40,000 hour reduction in the time required to assess candidates and 156,000 hours saved from management time which would have been spent on other management activities.

4. Nurturing and Engaging Candidate Relationships:

ATS software enables recruiters to nurture and engage with candidates throughout the hiring process, sending personalised communications, scheduling interviews, and providing feedback. This ongoing engagement helps maintain a positive candidate experience and encourages future applications.

The Metropolitan Police Service (The Met) were facing an issue where they weren’t attracting enough female applicants for their police officer job vacancies. 

By using Oleeo’s Intelligent Engagement feature, The Met targeted adverts and communications on their career site aimed specifically at the female population. As a result, The Met were able to place the right message, at the right time, in the right place to encourage females to apply to become a police officer. 

This resulted in a 40% increase in the number of women participating in a critical recruitment stage.

5. Building a Talent Database and Reserve List:

ATS software serves as a centralised repository for candidate data, creating a valuable talent database. This database allows recruiters to easily access and search for candidates who have expressed interest in the organisation, even if they are not currently applying for a specific position. This reserve list ensures a ready talent pool of qualified individuals to consider for future openings.

6. Data-Driven Insights for Strategic Decision-Making:

ATS software provides valuable data and analytics, enabling recruiters to track hiring trends, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions regarding sourcing, screening, and candidate selection. These insights can guide strategic talent pipeline initiatives and optimise the overall recruitment process.

Key Benefits of Strategic Talent Pipelining

Implementing a strategic talent pipeline framework offers numerous benefits:

  • Reduced time to hire: By proactively identifying and nurturing qualified candidates, organisations can significantly reduce the time it takes to fill open positions.
  • Improved candidate quality: A well-managed talent pipeline ensures that organisations have access to a pool of highly qualified candidates who are well-aligned with the organisation’s culture and values.
  • Reduced hiring costs: By streamlining the hiring process and reducing the need for external recruiting agencies, organisations save time and resources.
  • Enhanced employer branding: A consistent and efficient hiring process contributes to a positive employer brand, attracting top talent and strengthening the organisation’s reputation.

Talent Pipelining for Success

Creating a strategic talent pipeline is an investment in the future of an organisation. By proactively identifying, nurturing, and engaging with qualified candidates, organisations can streamline the hiring process, reduce time to hire, and ultimately achieve their talent acquisition goals. In today’s competitive talent landscape, strategic talent pipelining is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity for success.

If you would like to learn how your organisation could benefit from strategic talent pipelining, please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!

What is RPO Technology? Five Benefits for Your Business Recruitment Process

Let us introduce you to RPO technology. When was the last time you audited or accessed your recruitment and hiring procedures? How do you know if they’re fully optimized and working as intended?

Before the pandemic, unemployment in the US was as low as 3.4%, before skyrocketing more than 430%. It wasn’t just a case of businesses folding or mass redundancies though—in the aftermath of COVID-19 came the ‘Great Resignation’ of 2021, when many employees voluntarily left their jobs.

A recent report from the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found 9.6 million job openings—or that 5.8% of total jobs are currently vacant. What does it all mean? In simple terms, a lot of employee turnover, an arguable labor shortage, and some serious jostling for the best candidates.

With remote and flexible working, employees today feel more empowered to leave their current roles for pastures new (and seemingly greener). Oftentimes, when a team member matriculates, however, it’s written in the stars—in other words, the separation begins as early as the recruiting process.

With so many unknowns, RPO technology can be a godsend. If you aren’t familiar with how it works, don’t worry: you’ve come to the right place.

What Exactly is RPO Technology—and How Does It Work?

Essentially, recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) technology streamlines recruiting. 

An RPO provider handles either all or part of hiring, recruiting, and talent acquisition for the businesses that reach out to them. They’ll often use various Cloud Recruitment Software tools to streamline and optimize these activities. 

RPO solutions are helpful because they take the burden off in-house HR and acquisition teams. This leaves them free to focus on other areas, such as strategy and learning and development (L&D). RPO technology largely cuts out mundane and repetitive tasks by using AI and automation.

Customized RPO recruitment solutions can be tailored to fit your specific needs and job requirements, with providers using specialist tech to source potential candidates. Technology can also assist with job boards, social media posting, and networking on sites such as LinkedIn.

RPO technology can also streamline the screening and assessment process. Outsourced providers may offer specially developed apps for this purpose or use your existing applicant tracking system (ATS).

RPO in recruitment utilizes tech at every step. There are even tools for managing interviews, job offers, and onboarding. 

With RPO, you get instant access to the best recruiting and analytical resources available.

Five Benefits of Recruitment Process Outsourcing for Your Business

RPO recruiting creates a well-oiled and agile system for your business. Here are just some of its benefits.

1. Reduced recruitment spend

Through the use of technology, RPO allows you to recruit smarter. AI and automation speed up steps such as job board posting, and analytics inform users of the best places to post. They can also shape other strategies, such as offers and negotiations. 

RPO tech also automates screening and assessments, meaning candidates can progress quickly without involving your team in the early stages. More efficient recruiting means fewer labor costs and less spending on job boards. 

2. Increased flexibility and agility

Additionally, RPO provides you with a flexible recruitment solution. It can take over your entire process and scale with demand. 

Alternatively, you can enlist an RPO solution to take on one or more specific steps in your hiring workflows. If you have a bottleneck in a certain area, for example, you can use it to deal with the overflow. 

However you choose to use it, RPO allows you to change tactics as it suits and seamlessly scale according to your needs.

3. More time-efficient

Using automation tools and other RPO technologies also speeds up the recruitment process. It can expedite the entire procedure, shortening both your time to hire and your time to fill.

4. Decreased turnover

With companies spending an average of $1,100 on every new employee, you ideally want to hold onto them for the long term. Luckily, RPO is laser-focused on securing top talent that’s likely to stick around. 

Additionally, with a good RPO solution, you should get a fully optimized onboarding process with human contact at every step. The result is a better experience for new hires, which sets them up for success and builds loyalty from the off. 

5. More diverse talent pools

Finally, RPO solutions like Oleeo tend to use Recruitment Technology with automated screening and assessment. These talent acquisition platforms bring more transparency while eliminating bias from the process.

Features like Intelligent Writing can even help recruiters write more inclusive job descriptions.

How Do Employers Know If RPO Solutions Suit Their Business?

In some ways, RPO is a one-size-fits-all solution, in that it can be made to suit most businesses. 

Here are some reasons why you might need it.

  • Overstretched HR and/or recruitment teams
  • You’re held back by inefficient legacy systems
  • You’re unsure of how to meet compliance requirements
  • Rapid business growth or workforce needs
  • Increasingly high recruitment spending
  • A lack of centralized recruitment and hiring data
  • A lack of talent pool diversity

If you’re ready to outsource talent acquisition, however, some due diligence is required before you do.

Understanding what technology your organization needs

Before signing up with a provider, you must first know what technology your organization requires. You may already be using a candidate relationship management or ATS platform. If not, RPO services like Oleeo provide a robust applicant tracking system to suit your needs.

Some outsourced recruiting providers can make use of your existing recruitment tools. However, unless you’re using cutting-edge applications, it’s best to look for a solution that comes with the right technology included as standard.

What problem are you trying to solve?

You must also ask yourself why you’re looking at recruitment process outsourcing. Are you in need of better analytics? If so, you’ll want an RPO service that monitors candidate data with an easy-to-use Recruiting Metrics Dashboard.

Alternatively, maybe you’re lacking in diversity and inclusion. If you want to remove unconscious bias and speed up applicant hiring, you’ll benefit from a solution that automates Blind Screening.

How to Choose a Good RPO Provider

Choosing the right RPO provider isn’t always straightforward, if only because of the wealth of options that are out there. 

That said, here are some technology benefits to search for when making your choice. 

Technology benefits to look for when partnering with an RPO provider

Keep an eye out for the following technology benefits when choosing an RPO partner.

  • Applicant tracking. An ATS is a foundational tool for optimizing recruitment (especially high volume). You need a centralized hub with remote accessibility to empower you to monitor and maintain contact with talent.
  • Candidate relationship management. CRM analytics help recruiters better engage diverse talent. This also helps them communicate clearly and promote inclusivity during acquisition.
  • Recruiting reports. An analytics suite helps recruiters better identify what’s working. It also highlights areas for improvement. This means you can shape a better recruitment strategy that aligns with your workforce planning. 
  • Recruitment events. Speed up the time to hire and increase candidate engagement as well. RPO providers like Oleeo automate various recruitment tasks to create seamless experiences for candidates.

RPO types and pricing models

There are also several types of RPO for you to choose from. These include:

  • End-to-end. An ongoing solution that encompasses all your recruiting and hiring practices. It’s often the most cost-effective option but can be relatively complex to implement.
  • Selective. Select a provider to handle one or more stages of the recruitment and hiring process. This allows you to maintain control over certain areas, such as making job offers or onboarding. 
  • Recruiter on demand (ROD). Access services as and when needed. This can be a great option for seasonal hiring or those times when your HR team is overstretched. 
  • Project. Choose an RPO solution for the duration of a particular project. 

As you can see, you have many different options to choose from. 

RPO pricing models can be equally as diverse. You can pay a monthly management fee or pay per hire. Alternatively, for selective and on-demand services, you might select a pay-as-you-go model, meaning you only pay for what you use/need.

What’s the Difference Between Outsourcing and RPO?

Businesses can outsource recruitment via several means. 

RPO provides a focused partner with specialized expertise in recruiting. Choosing this option means meeting your acquisition needs without involving excess capabilities (or costs).

RPO isn’t your only option, however. Some businesses outsource recruiting to managed service providers (MSPs) instead, while others opt for business process outsourcing (BPO). 

Both MSPs and BPO routes can manage company recruitment. However, they can handle processes well beyond the scope of hiring, too. For example, outsourcing to these providers might mean handing over your customer service or marketing needs as well.

RPO Facts and Figures

Here are a few interesting RPO facts that might prove helpful when making your decision.

  • 68% of recruiters believe investing in new recruiting technology is the best way to improve acquisition.
  • Although it was valued at $4.8 billion in 2021, the RPO market is projected to grow to $26.4 billion by 2031.
  • 40% of RPO deals include a technology component.

How Does RPO Work with Recruiting Software?

RPO providers will either work with your existing recruiting tools or provide specialist software for this purpose. In the case of the latter, you’ll likely have access to the best tools available to optimize your hiring processes.

In addition to using an applicant tracking system, RPOs often utilize job distribution portals to manage job listings. Other tools in their armories include candidate sourcing, CRMs, and assessment and screening capabilities.

As part of Virtual Recruiting, an RPO team might use scheduling software to conduct video interviews. 

Candidate data and recruitment metrics also tend to be available in real time.

Oleeo Recruitment Software Will Improve Your Hiring Agility and Transform Your Workforce Strategies

There’s no better time than now to get a leg up on the competition—and it all starts with the people you hire. Partner with Oleeo today and take your recruiting efforts to the next level. 

Our end-to-end talent acquisition software will guide you through every step of the recruiting journey. You can automate tasks like screening and interview scheduling and track data in real time, equipping you to react to market trends and potential skill gaps in your workforce. 

Why not Book a Demo now?

The Pros & Cons of Internal Promotions

When you need to fill a position within your organisation, do you always look for an external hire?

If yes, now might be the time to consider looking a little closer to home. There are many advantages to hiring internal employees, yet many businesses still shy away from this recruitment strategy.

Not sure whether you should invest in external recruitment or opt for internal promotion?

Keep reading to discover the pros and cons of internal promotions. Plus, how you can ensure you find the right internal candidate for the job.

What is an internal promotion?

As the name suggests, internal recruitment is the process of promoting employees internally when you have a position to fill rather than advertising for the role externally.

Internal recruitment is a growing trend in 2022 as businesses seek ways to cut the cost of recruitment and make the most of the talent they have – a bit like the “don’t move, improve” motto that trended in the property sector during the pandemic.

Informal job interview taking place between two men in a relaxed office setting

What are the benefits of promoting from within?

1. It can be a lot quicker

If you are looking to fill a position as quickly as possible, there is no denying that internal promotion is the way to go.

With no need to write a job posting, sift through resumes, interview candidates and conduct background checks, the entire hiring process is simpler and faster.

Furthermore, you can save even more time as you already know everything you need to about your internal candidates. You know what their strengths and weaknesses are, what their career goals are, and how reliable they are.

All of this combined means you can save a significant amount of time when you choose to promote internally rather than recruit externally.

2. It can be more cost-effective

Every business wants to find ways to save money, and internal promotion can save you a significant amount.

Whether you carry out external recruitment in-house or you typically use a recruitment agency, it is a lot cheaper to promote internally.

Furthermore, as well as no hefty advertising and agency fees, you don’t have to contend with any counter-offers or negotiations over salaries. Usually, employees welcome internal promotions with open arms.

Also, use a process called internal mobility to redeploy workflows and minimise any disruption to your business.

3. It is safer

When you recruit externally, there is always the worry that you have not found the right person for the job. An applicant can do and say all the right things, but you never really know what they will be like, how they will perform and whether they will fit in until they start.

However, internal employees are a much less risky option as you already know everything about them. Plus, hopefully, the employee is already fully integrated into your company culture.

4. It can boost your brand reputation

If you always overlook your existing employees in favour of external ones, this shows that you do not prioritise career development within your organisation. This is not good for morale in your workplace and showcases your brand in a very unattractive light. Therefore, when the time comes to find an external hire, you may experience a lack of suitable applicants.

However, if you show that you recruit fairly and offer up positions for both internal and external candidates, you will find your brand reputation improves. You can then attract a higher calibre of candidates.

5. It can improve employee engagement

Post-pandemic, employee engagement is more important than ever, yet it is one of the hardest things to achieve.

However, by ensuring that you promote internally, you can make your existing staff feel valued and supported, which, in turn, will boost employee engagement.

If you neglect to give your internal employees the opportunity to grow, they are highly likely to look elsewhere for career fulfilment which means more recruiting costs your business.

Positive woman video calling using laptop. Businesswoman teleconferencing on laptop while working from home.

When to implement an internal promotion process?

  • You have a limited recruitment/training budget.
  • You are recruiting for a position that requires in-depth company knowledge.
  • You have several employees eager and ready to take the next step.
  • The skills needed are already available within your existing talent pool.
  • You are on a tight timeframe.

Disadvantages of an internal promotion model

1. Potential for resentment

One of the main risks of internal promotion is the creation of resentment amongst employees and managers.

If more than one person goes for the promotion, the employees who do not get it are likely to feel bitter or angry. Plus, managers are never happy about losing valuable staff members even if they know that they are moving on to better things.

2. Gaps in the workforce

Although it may seem easier to fill a role internally, you need to remember that when you promote someone or transfer someone from one department to another, you still need to fill that vacant position one way or another.

This may involve a series of transfers, promotions, and moves that can cause disruption to your business and may even result in a need to recruit externally.

3. Limited talent pool

One of the main drawbacks to promoting internally is that you are limited in your choice of applicants. This is not always a bad thing, but if your current employees are lacking in specific skills needed for a newly created role, you may struggle to find the right internal candidate for the job.

Furthermore, internal applicants will not be able to bring a fresh perspective to the business, which is often needed to inspire innovation and spark creativity.

4. Risk of complacency

If you become too reliant on promoting internally, you may notice that your employees become complacent. Without the fear of competition, they may start to lack drive and not feel like they have to make an effort to impress or challenge themselves.

This, in turn, can lead to a reduction in productivity and an inflexible company culture that is unable to adapt or evolve.

Shot of two builders shaking hands at a construction site

When is it best to hire externally?

  • You are looking to grow your business.
  • You need fresh perspectives – this brings about new ideas and could make a huge difference to making impactful changes!
  • You want to hire a more diverse workforce.
  • You need a change in direction.
  • You need to acquire specific skills that you do not have available in your existing talent pool.
  • You have a more flexible budget and timeframe.

Internal promotion vs external hiring: which process is right for you?

If you are still not sure whether you should hire externally or promote internally, why not combine both recruitment practices for optimum results?

While there are clearly some cases where external recruitment is the preferable choice, there is no reason why you shouldn’t turn to your existing employees for both vacant and new roles within your organisation.

If you need help finding new candidates externally or making the most out of the employees you already have, then Oleeo, we can help you. Our top-rated Talent Acquisition Recruitment Programme is exactly what you need to gain that competitive edge over your rivals and attract the top talent within your industry. Get in touch with us today to find out more about how we can help you, no matter your recruitment needs.

NHS Recruitment Challenges: Tackling the Workforce Crisis in the Healthcare Industry

The NHS is facing recruitment challenges. That could be the understatement of the century as the UK’s national health service is in the grips of the worst staffing crisis in its history.

Not only does this threaten our health services’ ability to deliver care, but it’s also extremely costly, with HSJ reporting that recruitment consumes two-thirds of NHS trusts’ spending.

But how did we get to this point? What challenges are facing NHS recruitment? And perhaps most importantly, what action must be taken in the long road ahead to dig ourselves out of this hole?

On this page, we’ll tackle this complex topic and explain the root causes of the NHS workforce crisis. We’ll also talk about the software being used by recruiters that makes hiring healthcare staff a faster and cheaper process.

What is The Current NHS Staffing Crisis?

As of March 2023, the health service has around 112,000 unfilled NHS job vacancies.

Labour market conditions have made it harder for NHS recruiters to keep up with demand, and as a result, our current workforce is bearing the brunt of being stretched thin. It means today’s doctors are working longer hours, experiencing worsening stress, and suffering from low workforce morale.

All the while, the NHS waiting list is growing—reaching a staggering 7.5 million in May 2023.

As a result of the staffing crisis, NHS trusts are being forced to bring in more and more locum staff—i.e. temporary replacements to permanent doctors. This recruitment model comes with higher costs, with £3 billion being spent on locums in 2022, making it an unsustainable long-term option.

So, that’s the position we’re in today. If current trends continue, the NHS will be short of 571,000 staff by 2036. Action must be taken sooner rather than later if we are to avoid the worst effects of this workforce crisis. 

NHS Workforce Crisis: 5 Biggest Challenges Faced by The Healthcare Industry

The NHS workforce crisis has been aggravated by the intersection of many factors, some of which have been brewing for years. We’ll try to uncover the real picture of what’s happening here.

Uncompetitive salaries

For the first time in its 106-year history, the Royal College of Nursing chose to ballot its members for strike action in October 2022. Soon after, unions representing ambulance workers, junior doctors, and NHS consultants decided to join them in solidarity. By and large, the union members voted to strike.

As of October 2023, this industrial action is still ongoing, and the single biggest reason is due to uncompetitive wages in the NHS. In fact, when factoring in inflation, NHS workers have experienced a decline in their real-terms income for 15 years straight. So, when the UK’s cost-of-living crisis began to bite, it was the final straw for many.

Progress is being made in this regard—with talks ongoing and a permanent 5% pay rise being announced for all NHS pay points for 2023/24.

However, it’s impossible to ignore the differences in medical professionals’ salaries in the UK vs other similar countries. For instance, foundation (junior) doctors in the UK may be paid as little as £32,398 in their first year of practice. Compare that to another English-speaking country, Australia, where entry-level doctors typically start on a salary of AU$112,508 (£58,625). With such a large pay difference, and reports of a less demanding working environment, it’s no surprise that the UK to Australia pipeline is a popular choice for junior doctors. This has only added fuel to the fire of the NHS staffing crisis.

NHS staff retention issues

Staff retention is another huge issue for the NHS, with workers quitting their jobs in droves due to uncompetitive salaries and mounting stress. This problem is increasing year on year, with the NHS trusts reporting their staff leaver rate to have increased from 9.6% in 2020 to 12.5% in 2022.

Essentially, this means that the NHS now has to replace 12.5% of its workforce every year—which amounts to an extremely costly annual recruitment cycle. And because less money is left in the pot, it means it’s harder to afford current NHS workers a pay rise, leading to a vicious positive feedback cycle.

The plain answer to this problem is to inject new funding into the NHS budget. However, until these wishes become a political reality, NHS trusts must find other ways to save money, such as cutting the cost of recruitment processes.

Regional imbalance

Like many countries, the UK experiences a high degree of regional imbalance.

In particular, our population, capital, and public infrastructure is mostly concentrated in large cities, especially London. Consequently, most young people (including junior doctors and nurses) choose to live in cities to find high-paying jobs and a reasonable commute to work. The NHS workforce, which is composed of a younger cohort than the average cross-section of society, is therefore mostly found in cities.

In contrast, older folk tend to prefer countryside life when they retire. Since our bodies suffer from worsening health conditions as we age, the result is that rural NHS services face higher influxes of patients as a proportion of their local populations. And, with fewer people to fill job positions in these areas, it only aggravates the staffing problems felt across the NHS.

The NHS recruitment and inclusion framework has listed several strategies for boosting talent acquisition in these areas, such as removing barriers to the workforce, or better advertising these positions to the public.

Visa/immigration issues

The NHS is a diverse workforce, with 16.5% of its staff being foreign nationals. This means that any changes to visa rules have a knock-on effect on how easily the NHS can source staff.

A prime example of this was when the UK officially left the EU bloc on the 31st January 2020, which effectively ended free movement to and from the continent. Since EU nationals no longer have the automatic right to live or work in the UK, it has restricted the talent pool that NHS recruiters can hire from.  

Shortly after, the UK adopted a new ‘points based’ immigration system from 1st January 2021, which restructured eligibility criteria for work visas. While this has created a new administrative loophole for foreign nationals to come to the UK, it has increased the likelihood of so-called ‘skilled workers’ being granted a work visa.

It’s expected that these rules will make it easier for the NHS to source its employees from foreign countries outside of the EU. However, it’s also worth noting that the BMJ has expressed concerns about the legislation’s effect on social care in particular. Namely, that the law requires all applicants to have a job offer in place before they can be accepted into the country. NHS recruiters are in uncharted territory and will need all the expertise they can get to navigate the road ahead.

Recruitment fallout from Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic placed extraordinary demands on the NHS, with new social-distancing rules, PPE requirements, and millions of extra hospitalisations and vaccinations. This only exacerbated the stress, anxiety, and diminished work/life balance felt by NHS employees.

It also contributed to the chronic staff shortages that we’re seeing in today’s health service, with burnout and loss of morale causing a ‘great resignation’ of NHS staff.

Are There Specific Areas Within the NHS That Face More Severe Recruitment Challenges?

The NHS is massive. It’s not just the biggest employer in Europe, but it’s also the biggest employer of skilled professionals in the world. It’s not surprising that there are some areas that are suffering from worse recruitment challenges than others.

For starters, there is the geographic disparity, with healthcare workers being predominantly located in the UK’s big cities. Naturally, this has placed extra recruitment burdens on NHS trusts in rural areas, in particular in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

Then there are the recruitment gaps in particular NHS sectors, which can be found on the UK government’s ‘shortage occupations’ list. As of October 2023, all medical professionals are included, meaning foreign nationals have an easier route to obtaining a work visa. Among the list, professions such as physiotherapists, radiographers, and paramedics are highlighted as being in high demand.

How Is the NHS Dealing With the Recruitment Crisis?

NHS trusts have been forced to rely on agency staff to plug the holes of its workforce crisis. However, this is more of a sticking plaster than it is a genuine solution—being both expensive and unsustainable. As such, trusts are increasingly adopting new techniques to Hire NHS top talent:

  • Apprenticeship schemes: The NHS has recently placed more of an emphasis on offering apprenticeships to young people, in the hopes that it will grow a pool of home-grown talent. It offers an alternate route in the healthcare industry that especially benefits disadvantaged students who are put off by the cost of university tuition fees.
  • Retire and re-join: The great resignation saw hundreds of thousands of doctors and nurses leave the NHS, but it doesn’t mean that they’re gone for good. The retire and re-join scheme launched in April 2023, allowing NHS employees to take their pension and top it up with a continued salary on as many hours as they wish.
  • Flexible working hours: In recent years, NHS trusts have embraced the concept of ‘flexi time’, recognising its advantages for staff morale and work/life balance. This trend is expected to continue not just in the NHS, but also in other areas of the workforce.

What Impact Do Recruitment Challenges Have on Patient Care in the NHS?

The NHS staffing crisis has had severe repercussions for patient wellbeing. Whether it’s an accident requiring urgent medical care, or a long-term condition in need of a check-up, there simply aren’t enough healthcare professionals to keep up with demand.

As we mentioned earlier, the NHS reached 7.5 million in May 2023. On top of that, ambulance wait times for category one ‘life threatening’ emergencies reached nine minutes and two seconds in 2022, far higher than the seven-minute national target. As for category two emergencies, such as a heart attack, wait times were over 51 minutes long.

For those who can’t afford private treatment, wait times could be putting their lives at risk. 

Are There Initiatives to Recruit Healthcare Professionals from Abroad to Fill Vacancies in the NHS?

Yes. The NHS has multiple initiatives to attract diverse talent from around the globe. In fact, ethical international recruitment is listed as a workforce priority in the NHS Long Term Plan.

Currently, the points-based immigration system is intended to make it easier for qualified overseas professionals to come to work in the UK. Additionally, the Department of Health and Social Care is piloting a scheme for refugee nurses to come to the UK for the opportunity to rebuild their lives. And if you’re an EU national who worked in the UK before Brexit, you can apply for a visa under the EU settlement scheme.

How Can Individuals Interested in Working for the NHS Navigate the Recruitment Process?

The NHS recruitment process is notoriously labyrinthine—and rightly so, given that these workers are on the frontlines of our nation’s hospitals and clinics. Not just anyone can become a healthcare professional; it requires extensive education, background checks, and a process of onboarding.

Doctors have a relatively clear-cut route to working in the NHS, following the standard Foundation Programme application after completing a medicine degree at university. Likewise, nurses have a standardised pathway through the GPN Foundation Programme, which requires a nursing degree.

However, there are also many other roles within the NHS, such as healthcare assistants and non-clinical staff, that don’t require a degree. Applicants should research the relevant schemes in their local authority or get in touch with an NHS recruiter for advice.

Hire the Top Talent You Need With Software Specifically Built to Support NHS Recruitment

The NHS recruitment crisis has highlighted the need for long-term planning and restructuring of the workforce. It’s more important now than ever to make the switch from agency workers to permanent doctors and nurses.

Everything starts with recruitment. Without a tried-and-tested hiring cycle, and the tools to support it, the UK’s health service has no chance of attracting the top talent it deserves. That’s why we built Oleeo’s NHS recruitment platform. Our software integrates with NHS Jobs and Electronic Staff Record, and automates manual workloads like pre-employment screening.

Join the 145 NHS hospitals and 216 private hospitals (each with 2,000+ full-time equivalent job roles) that use Oleeo to assemble their diverse and competitive workforces.

Get in touch today