5 Strategies for reducing time to hire in the NHS

In the midst of an ever-evolving healthcare landscape, the NHS faces the ongoing challenge of ensuring it has the right personnel in place to deliver high-quality care to patients. 

One critical aspect of this challenge is the time it takes to fill vacant positions.

Prolonged recruitment processes can lead to understaffing, increased workload for existing staff, and ultimately, compromised patient care. It’s no secret that it’s imperative to streamline hiring processes to minimise the time to hire without compromising the quality of candidates brought into the system. 

Here, we delve into specific strategies the NHS can adopt to achieve this goal.


1. Implementing an Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that meets your unique recruitment needs

The right Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can revolutionise the way the NHS manages its recruitment processes. By automating administrative tasks such as CV screening, application tracking, and candidate communication, an ATS significantly reduces the time recruiters spend on these mundane activities. 

More importantly, an ATS system can utilised to create strategic talent pools, enabling recruiters to tap into a pre-qualified pool of candidates for future vacancies, thereby expediting the hiring process.

Learn how University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, revolutionised their recruitment process using innovative recruitment technology. 


2. Using EDI Tools to Create Inclusive Job Posting 

Is your bias your backseat driver? 

What specific diversity initiatives does your NHS Trust have in place and are they working? 

Crafting clear, compelling and inclusive job postings is crucial for attracting top talent efficiently in this competitive market. Using EDI tools can help you create inclusive and compelling job postings, therefore attracting a wider range of candidates. 

However, using EDI tools to create inclusive job postings is only the tip of the iceberg. These tools can help you with AI-powered selection criteria, dynamic workflows, and tailored content to help bake fairness and efficiency into every step of the recruiting process.


3. Standardising Interview Processes

Standardising interview processes across NHS trusts can significantly reduce time to hire by streamlining candidate evaluation. By establishing clear interview protocols, including predefined questions and evaluation criteria, recruiters can ensure consistency in candidate assessment while expediting the decision-making process. 

Moreover, incorporating technology such as video interviews can eliminate scheduling conflicts and geographical barriers, enabling recruiters to assess candidates more efficiently.


4. Prioritising Internal Mobility and Talent Development

Encouraging internal mobility and investing in talent development programs can help the NHS fill vacancies more rapidly by tapping into its existing workforce. By promoting opportunities for career advancement and providing training and development initiatives, the NHS can nurture a pipeline of qualified candidates who are already familiar with the organisation’s culture and processes. This not only reduces the time to hire but also enhances employee morale and retention.

Data automation recruitment technology can take the weight off your team and streamline this process.


5. Collaboration with Educational Institutions

Establishing partnerships with educational institutions can provide the NHS with access to a steady stream of qualified candidates entering the healthcare field. Collaborative initiatives such as internships, apprenticeships, and residency programs not only expose students to real-world healthcare environments but also allow NHS recruiters to identify and cultivate talent early in their academic careers. By proactively engaging with educational institutions, the NHS can reduce the time to hire for critical healthcare roles.

Here are few suggestions:

  • University hospital partnership programs
  • Apprenticeship scheme in nursing
  • Residency exchange programs
  • Collaborative research projects with universities
  • Dual degree programs in healthcare management
  • Work-based learning initiatives
  • High school healthcare career pathways
  • Joint recruitment events and career fairs

Reducing time to hire is paramount for the NHS to address staffing challenges effectively and deliver optimal patient care.

For further inspiration, explore how numerous NHS Trusts, Police Forces, and Government organisations are streamlining their recruitment processes to get ahead of the curve.

How to create the perfect job application form to minimise drop-offs

In the competitive landscape of job applications, the first hurdle is often the application form itself. Unfortunately, many applicants abandon the process midway, leading to a phenomenon known as drop-offs. 

Perfecting your application form is not just about asking the right questions but creating an experience that keeps applicants engaged and motivated to complete the process.

Let’s explore key strategies to optimise your application forms and minimise drop-offs.


1. User-friendly design:

The first impression matters, and a user-friendly design is crucial. 

  • Ensure that your application form is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and compatible with various devices. 
  • Break down the form into logical sections with progress indicators, making it clear how much is left. 
  • Use clear and concise instructions, and consider providing tooltips or help text where necessary.


2. Streamlined process:

Long and cumbersome application forms can be overwhelming, leading to drop-offs. Streamline the process by focusing on essential information. Prioritise questions that are critical for decision-making and consider collecting additional details later in the process or post-acceptance.

However, in the intricate process of crafting an application, it’s often difficult to see the opportunities to simplify and streamline. Consider involving someone not closely tied to the project to pinpoint any questions that may be deemed non-essential during the initial stages. This external perspective can shed light on areas for improvement that might be overlooked from an insider’s point of view. 

Strategically eliminating non essential questions can drastically improve your drop off rate. 


3. Provide real-time feedback:

Engage applicants by offering real-time feedback on their progress. Implement features that validate data as it’s entered, reducing the chances of errors and frustration.

Positive reinforcement, can motivate applicants to continue and complete the form, you can implement:

  • Progress bars 
  • Encouraging messages
  • Sectional Icons
  • Checkpoints 


4. Mobile optimisation:

In an era where mobile devices dominate, optimising your application form for mobile use is non-negotiable.

A responsive design ensures that applicants can seamlessly complete the form on smartphones or tablets, reducing barriers to entry and increasing accessibility.


5. Test and analyse:

Before launching your application form, conduct thorough testing. Identify potential pain points by gathering feedback from a diverse group of users.

This is important but equally easy to dismiss, regularly review and update the form based on user insights and evolving requirements to optimise the application process. 

Analysing drop-off points and user behaviour can provide valuable insights into areas that may need improvement. Use data-driven decision-making to refine the questions. 


6. Transparent communication:

Set clear expectations regarding the application process. Clearly communicate the estimated time required to complete the form, the information applicants need to prepare in advance, and any additional steps they can anticipate. 

Transparent communication helps manage expectations and reduces the likelihood of drop-offs.

In conclusion, perfecting your application form is an ongoing process that requires a balance between efficiency and user experience. 

Remember, an optimised application process not only attracts top candidates but also reflects positively on your organisation’s commitment to a seamless candidate experience. 

Four ways to reduce costs when recruiting in the public sector

Budget constraints and bureaucratic processes often create challenges for local and central government bodies seeking to attract top talent. 

Luckily, we’re here to help! There are innovative strategies that can help streamline recruitment processes and reduce costs without compromising the quality of hires. 

There were an estimated 5.83 million employees in the public sector in March 2023, which is 31,000 (0.5%) more than in December 2022 and 100,000 (1.7%) more than in March 2022,  according to The Office of National Statistics. 

We’re going to identify four effective ways to cut costs in public sector recruitment, so stay tuned!


1- Embrace Technology and Automation:

One of the most significant advancements in recruitment is the integration of technology and automation. Leveraging applicant tracking systems (ATS), artificial intelligence (AI), and other digital tools can help public sector organisations streamline their recruitment processes, saving a substantial amount of money in the short and long term!  

ATS software allows recruiters to automate the initial stages of the hiring process, such as CV screening and application tracking. AI-driven algorithms can analyse candidate profiles and match them with job requirements, significantly reducing the time spent on manual reviews. This not only accelerates the recruitment timeline but also minimises the risk of overlooking qualified candidates.

Additionally, implementing video interviews and virtual assessments can further reduce costs associated with scheduling and conducting in-person interviews. 

Embracing these technologies can lead to a more efficient and cost-effective recruitment process.


2- Rediscover Talent Within your Organisation and Tools:

Knowing where to look when hiring for a new, skill-specific position isn’t easy, especially in the public sector!

That’s why you should also look a bit closer to home. Your next great hire could be hiding in plain sight deep within your existing tools or within your own organisation. 

You can utilise artificial intelligence to identify the best candidates for your job from not only your current pool of talent but also highlight those individuals in your organisation who obtain the skills you’re looking for! 

Oleeo’s search functionality will rank and prioritise candidates based on the skills you’re looking for while remaining compliant with applicable data regulations.

Not only does this help you hire quality talent quickly, but it will undoubtedly save you money on recruiting ads and prolonged searches.


3 – Invest in Training and Development Programmes:

Rather than solely relying on external hires, investing in training and development programmes for existing staff can be a cost-effective strategy. By upskilling current employees, public sector organisations can fill skill gaps internally, reducing the need for extensive external recruitment.

Training programmes can include workshops, online courses, and mentorship initiatives. This approach not only enhances the skill sets of employees but also boosts morale and loyalty. Internal promotions and career advancements can create a positive work environment and save costs associated with external recruitment processes.


4 – Optimise Recruitment Marketing:

Public sector organisations can leverage cost-effective digital marketing strategies to enhance their employer brand and reach a wider audience.

Creating engaging content for social media platforms, maintaining an active presence on professional networking sites, and utilising targeted online advertising can help public sector agencies connect with potential candidates without breaking the bank. 

Crafting a compelling narrative about the organisation’s mission, values, and opportunities can attract candidates who are genuinely interested in contributing to public service.

Recruiting in the public sector doesn’t have to be a drain on resources or tedious. By embracing technology and investing in training, local authorities and central government bodies can reduce costs while still attracting and retaining top talent. 

By implementing these strategies, public sector organisations can build a more efficient and cost-effective recruitment process that aligns with their budgetary constraints!

4 Crucial Tips for Bringing Top-tier Civil Servants on Board

Are you on the lookout for talented individuals to join the civil service ranks? Recruiting civil servants demands a meticulous approach and adherence to specific guidelines. After all, civil servants play a vital role in upholding values like integrity, impartiality, and service excellence.

As a recruiter, your role is pivotal in ensuring that job vacancies are managed with precision and fairness. From posting the job opening to making the final offer, it’s crucial to follow internal policies and procedures to maintain consistency and fairness throughout the recruitment process. 

To ensure that your recruitment process aligns with these principles, we have compiled 4 top tips for you to consider.

1 – Remove biases from your recruitment strategy 

Using Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) tools can ensure an inclusive candidate experience and strengthen the impact of your recruitment strategies.

Job post debiasing, AI-powered selection criteria, dynamic workflows, and tailored content can help bake fairness into every step of the recruiting process.

For example, inclusive job descriptions signal to potential candidates that your government department values diversity and welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, encouraging even more people to apply and therefore expanding your pool of top talent. 

Oleeo proactively roots out the subtle biases that can undermine progress. 

2 – Hire graduates seamlessly

If you’re looking to recruit graduates or candidates early in their careers then graduate recruiting software can support you in designing tailored campaigns and communications that resonate with your audience. Beyond traditional CV data, graduate recruiting software can uncover subtle signs of future success in prospective candidates.

Relying on early careers recruitment technology can also assist with intern management, bulk processing of candidates, intelligent selection, and event management. All of these help you reduce the time it takes to hire the best candidates.

In addition, we recommend building relationships with universities, professional associations, and other organisations to identify and connect with talented graduates who are passionate about public service. 

3 – Utilise multiple recruitment channels 

In the quest for top talent, more and more organisations are diversifying their recruitment strategies across multiple channels, including online job boards, social media platforms, professional networks, and industry-specific portals like those tailored to the civil Service. 

By casting a wide net, government organisations can attract candidates from various sectors and backgrounds. If this is something you’re interested in implementing, consider using leveraging Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) software. You can automate every step of the recruitment marketing process, ensuring that top candidates receive relevant content personalised to their preferences and keep your company at the top of their minds throughout their job search. 

In addition to online platforms, it’s important to actively engage with potential candidates through in-person networking events, career fairs, and targeted outreach activities. 

Building personal connections and fostering relationships in real-life settings can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts. 

4 – Create a strategic talent pool 

Talent pooling is essential for organisations looking to stay competitive and secure top talent quickly in today’s talent-driven market.

This involves building, maintaining and nurturing a database of potential candidates, including past employees, previous applicants, and skilled professionals. This proactive approach can streamline your hiring process by providing access to pre-screened candidates who are a good fit for the organisation’s culture and values.

We recommend using software solutions that offer features such as CRM, automated sourcing and matching, and workflows to help you strategically nurture your talent pool. 

In addition to actively building and nurturing a talent pool, it’s essential for government organisations to maintain a comprehensive talent database. This database houses all pertinent information about potential candidates, including their names, skill sets, experience, and qualifications. Moreover, it goes beyond just professional credentials to gauge compatibility with the company culture. 

This holistic approach ensures that each candidate selected not only possesses the requisite skills but also aligns with the organisation’s values and work culture seamlessly.



Don’t forget to consult the Civil Service Competency Framework to identify areas for enhancement and make sure to ask for feedback from candidates and hiring managers to ensure that your recruitment process evolves with the changing needs of the civil service.

By following these top tips, you can effectively attract and select candidates who are not only qualified for the role but also dedicated to serving the public interest with integrity and professionalism.

Discover how Oleeo’s comprehensive suite of tools can streamline your hiring process, making it more efficient, data-driven, and aligned with your organisation’s commitment and values. 

Ready to transform your recruitment process? Contact Us Today and take the first step towards a more efficient, inclusive, and successful hiring journey with Oleeo.

4 tips for recruiting a robust team in local and central government

In the dynamic and challenging landscapes of local and central government, building a robust team is crucial for effective governance and service delivery. Recruiting the right talent is a strategic process that requires careful consideration and planning, but that’s no secret!  

We have transformed the recruitment strategies of Kirklees Council and Rhondda Cynon Taf Council, plus numerous central government organisations, through the implementation of Oleeo’s innovative ATS. These successful partnerships position us uniquely to elevate your recruitment endeavours as well.

Therefore, we have carefully curated four essential tips that will help you expedite the process of recruiting a robust team in local and central government!

Tip 1: Understand Local and Central Government Needs

To build a strong team, it’s essential to have a deep understanding of the specific needs and challenges of your local authority or central government department. Identify the unique responsibilities and requirements of different positions within your organisation. 

Understanding the responsibilities and requirements at a deeper level will allow you to tailor your recruiting efforts to attract candidates who not only possess the essential skills but also resonate with the overarching mission and goals of your agency.

Consider using external support, particularly from government resources. You’d be surprised at the range of free or low-cost services available through government agencies. Job boards, career fairs, and recruitment events are all fantastic ways to connect with potential candidates. By taking advantage of these platforms, you can cast a wider net and attract top talent interested in public sector opportunities.


Tip 2: Leverage Targeted Recruitment Strategies

Crafting an effective recruitment strategy goes beyond casting a wide net; it involves precision in reaching the right candidates through targeted approaches.

Delve into the preferred channels of your ideal candidates, strategically navigating platforms where they actively engage. This could include specific social media platforms tailored to your industry or community-focused forums where potential candidates participate. By understanding and leveraging these channels, you enhance your ability to connect with and attract individuals who align with your organisation’s values and goals.


Tip 3: Streamline the Recruitment Process

Attract qualified candidates and improve candidate experience with the right applicant tracking system. The solution you decide to implement should utilise AI and automation to flag the candidates best suited for your vacancy based on their CVs and answers to free text application questions. 

You can then focus on top quality candidates, whilst automation built into the system can gently let down those who aren’t qualified. You and your hiring managers benefit from improved candidate screening and better candidate relationship management.

A positive candidate experience, even for those who may not ultimately be selected, contributes to a favourable view of your employer brand. This positive perception can extend beyond the individual candidate to their network, potentially attracting more qualified applicants in the future.


Tip 4: Remove bias from your hiring process 

Diversity and inclusion have become integral elements of local and central government recruitment strategies, as organisations recognise the importance of building diverse teams.

From the very beginning of the candidate search, you could be limiting your applicants if you use gendered language in your job descriptions. Use an ATS that leverages artificial intelligence to identify gender biassed words and recommend gender neutral alternatives.



Building a strong team in local authorities and central government organisations is an ongoing process that requires dedication, strategic planning, and adaptability. By understanding the needs of your organisation, leveraging targeted recruitment strategies and streamlining the selection process and retention, you can create a workforce that is not only qualified but also passionate about serving the community. 

These four tips serve as a roadmap for local and central government leaders committed to building a strong, effective, and resilient team for the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Oleeo provides an intuitive talent acquisition platform that utilises powerful data-driven insights and automation to help you recruit faster and smarter than ever before.

Powerful tools embedded in the software boost efficiency, engagement, and quality of candidates and promote inclusive hiring; helping you reduce recruiter admin and your time to hire, whilst working to reach your diversity goals.

Our platform is fully configurable, to meet your unique recruitment processes.

However, don’t take our word for it, hear from some of our customers!

Revolutionising Recruitment: Oleeo’s Commitment to DE&I Initiatives

The quest for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) in high-volume recruitment particularly for graduates and interns presents a complex landscape. DE&I is more than just a corporate buzzword; it’s a crucial pillar for any forward-thinking organisation. Enter Oleeo, a revolutionary platform dedicated to transforming these challenges into opportunities, offering specialised solutions that bring DE&I to the forefront of the recruitment process.

Understanding the Landscape: DE&I Initiatives in Recruitment

Statistics paint a compelling picture: companies with highly diverse teams experience a staggering 2.5 times higher cash flow per employee. Moreover, research shows that diverse teams are 35% more productive than their homogeneous counterparts. This data underscores a critical business advantage in fostering diverse workforces. Furthermore, with 80% of workers expressing a preference for employers who prioritise DE&I, it’s clear that the demand for inclusive workplaces is not just a fleeting trend but a fundamental shift in the workforce’s expectations.

These figures highlight a significant gap in many organisations, especially entry-level positions, where workplace diversity is often underrepresented. This data-driven perspective underlines the urgency for a strategic focus on DE&I initiatives in hiring processes, transcending moral imperatives to become a pivotal business strategy.

Navigating High-Volume Recruitment: Challenges and Solutions

High-volume recruitment presents its own set of challenges – from sifting through thousands of applications to promoting a fair and unbiased selection process. Oleeo addresses these through innovative solutions that powerful DE&I initiatives, resulting in a more inclusive culture and diverse workplace. A testament to its efficacy is the British Transport Police’s experience. The BTP used Oleeo’s Diversity Recruitment Software to double the number of successful female and minority applicants.

Graduate and Intern Recruitment: A Crucial Frontier

Entry-level positions often shape the future leadership and culture of an organisation. Because of this, diverse recruitment directly contributes to a sustainable, inclusive workforce. Oleeo’s platform is finely tuned to address the nuances of graduate and intern hiring, confirming these crucial roles are filled with a diverse range of talents and perspectives.

Humanising the Process: Candidate Experience 

A diverse candidate pool is attracted not only by opportunities but also by the experience they encounter during the recruitment process. Oleeo enhances this journey, making it more accessible, transparent, and welcoming. It’s a strong first impression to potential employees.

Data-Driven Diversity: Analytics and Reporting

In the realm of DE&I, data is king. Oleeo’s robust Analytics And Reporting Tools provide invaluable insights, allowing organisations to measure, refine, and improve their DE&I initiatives.

Compliance and Transparency: Ensuring Fair Practices

Oleeo’s commitment to compliance and transparency in recruitment processes aligns with regulatory standards and builds trust with candidates. This means fairness and equity are more than just promises in a brochure. They’re a living embodiment of your organisation’s culture and values.

Shaping a Diverse and Inclusive Future

Oleeo’s role in sculpting a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive future in talent acquisition is clear. Through our comprehensive suite of tools and features, Oleeo is not just responding to the call for DE&I in recruitment; we’re leading the charge.

We encourage organisations to embrace Oleeo’s platform for their high-volume, graduate, and intern recruitment needs. For those ready to take this transformative step, Oleeo awaits to guide you through every phase of your DE&I journey.


Struggling To Attract and Hire High-Performing, Resilient Talent?

In today’s job market, the challenges of talent acquisition are both complex and nuanced. A 2023 McKinsey Report on reimagining people development underscores the urgency of these challenges. Organizations across the globe are grappling with a unique set of obstacles in attracting and hiring high-performing, resilient talent.

Key among these challenges is the widening skills gap, as the pace of technological advancement outstrips the current workforce’s capabilities. This gap is further widened by emerging trends such as remote work and the gig economy, which have reshaped candidates’ expectations and preferences. Additionally, there’s a greater emphasis on soft skills like adaptability, resilience, and leadership, which can be harder to assess and cultivate than technical skills.

The dynamics of the job market have also shifted dramatically. The demand for top talent far exceeds the supply. This imbalance is exacerbated by the fact that High-Performing Individuals Are More Mobile and discerning, often seeking roles that offer not just financial rewards but also align with their values and offer opportunities for growth and development.

In this context, organizations must reconsider their talent acquisition strategies. Traditional approaches are proving inadequate in addressing the nuanced needs of the modern workforce. The need for innovative, data-driven solutions is more pronounced than ever, making applicant tracking systems like Oleeo integral to the success of your talent acquisition.

Understanding the Landscape

The current landscape of Talent Acquisition is rife with challenges, both in internal and external recruitment strategies. Insight from the Society For Human Resource Management (SHRM) highlights this predicament, reporting that 83% of HR professionals struggled to fill open positions in the last 12 months.

Internally, while leveraging existing employees can foster loyalty and capitalize on known capabilities, this strategy often limits access to new skill sets and can complicate employee relationships. Attracting talent from an external pool offers fresh perspectives and skills but comes with its own set of hurdles such as higher costs, longer hiring timelines, and the challenge of assimilating new hires into the existing company culture.

Organizations must navigate the fine line between nurturing internal talent and injecting external expertise. The focus is increasingly on creating agile, responsive recruitment strategies that can adapt to rapid market changes and technological evolutions.

As you grapple with these complexities, the demand for innovative, efficient recruitment solutions becomes evident. ATS platforms like Oleeo provide essential tools and insights, helping you streamline your recruitment processes and effectively address the challenges of High-Volume Hiring

The Oleeo Advantage

Oleeo is engineered to streamline the application process, making it easier for you to navigate the vast Talent Pool and pinpoint the most promising job seekers.

One of the key strengths of Oleeo lies in its intelligent selection tool, which significantly aids hiring teams in filtering through high volumes of applications. This tool leverages advanced algorithms and data analytics to score candidates objectively, meaning that the most suitable candidates are shortlisted for the role. This approach accelerates your hiring process and verifies that the talent pool is diverse and inclusive.

Success stories from the Oleeo Inclusive Diversity In Hiring Guide further illustrate the platform’s impact. For instance, in partnership with University College London, Oleeo conducted a large-scale analysis of male and female CVs to identify and mitigate unconscious biases in recruiting. This study, encompassing over 200,000 applications, provided invaluable insights that enhanced the fairness and effectiveness of the hiring process.

Another example of Oleeo’s prowess is seen in its ability to reduce the average time from application to hire, which typically stands at six weeks across various industries and involves roughly 91 actions in the hiring funnel. By implementing Oleeo’s solutions, companies have streamlined these steps, significantly reducing the time and effort expended by hiring teams and ensuring a smoother, more candidate-friendly application process.

Key Features

Oleeo’s platform is distinguished by its comprehensive features, all geared towards enhancing recruitment, especially in high-volume scenarios:

  • Intelligent Job Descriptions: Bias-free and appealing to a diverse range of candidates, these descriptions attract skilled and adaptable individuals.
  • Positive Candidate Experience: Oleeo’s platform offers a seamless, engaging application process with timely communication, fostering a favorable perception of the hiring organization.
  • Efficient High-Volume Hiring: The platform’s advanced sorting and filtering efficiently manage large application volumes.
  • Advanced Recruitment Technologies: Utilizing AI and machine learning, Oleeo’s Applicant Tracking System streamlines every hiring stage and selects the most suitable candidates.
  • Integration With Job Boards and Social Media: Expanding job posting reach, this feature attracts a diverse pool of candidates.
  • Automated Background Checks: This crucial feature upholds candidate integrity and reliability, key to a high-standard recruitment process.
  • Data-Driven Candidate Insights: Oleeo provides analytics for identifying resilience and high performance in candidates.
  • Customizable Recruitment Workflows: Tailored to meet specific organizational needs, these workflows add flexibility.

Case Studies

Marks & Spencer: Revolutionizing Retail Recruitment

Marks & Spencer, a popular UK retailer, faced a significant challenge in managing the high volume of applications, especially for customer assistant positions which annually saw 35,000 to 40,000 vacancies largely during seasonal peaks. With over 200,000 applications for this role across the UK, M&S needed a system that could efficiently handle this demand while continuing to offer exceptional customer service. Oleeo provided a solution with a lean and efficient two-touch process for volume recruitment. This system helped M&S achieve a rapid hiring time, sometimes as short as three days, and manage applications to avoid duplication and store conflicts. The implementation of Oleeo’s ATS software allowed for a more consistent recruitment process and better candidate selection, significantly enhancing M&S’s recruitment efficiency.

Nucleargraduates: Streamlining Graduate Recruitment

Nucleargraduates, a sector-wide graduate program for the nuclear industry, required a solution to manage high volumes of applications from graduates in direct engineering and scientific disciplines. Oleeo delivered a Recruiting Enablement Platform, streamlining the entire recruitment journey from application to onboarding. The system included bespoke application forms, online tests, and a 15-minute online video interview option, leading to a more efficient and effective candidate selection process. Anna Byrne, the Recruitment & Selection Lead at nucleargraduates, praised Oleeo for providing an intuitive technology that allowed quick and easy management of large application volumes. The results were remarkable, with an 80% reduction in administrative costs and a significant ROI of £78.8m, equating to £4 for every £1 spent​​​​.

These case studies demonstrate Oleeo’s impact in transforming the recruitment experience in both retail and graduate program sectors, addressing the challenges of high-volume applications and enhancing the overall recruitment process.

How Oleeo Works

Oleeo’s applicant tracking system is designed for seamless integration with your existing recruitment processes. Its functionalities, particularly the Intelligent Selection tool, are intuitively crafted to assist recruiters in efficiently managing high volumes of applications and honing in on the most suitable candidates.

By efficiently managing critical aspects of recruitment, Oleeo helps hiring teams swiftly adapt to the dynamic needs of high-volume hiring. The platform’s ability to automate crucial steps, coupled with its sophisticated candidate database, empowers organizations to not only meet their immediate hiring needs but also to build a strong foundation for future talent acquisition challenges. In essence, Oleeo transforms your high-volume hiring process into a more strategic, data-driven, and candidate-centric experience, positioning your organization to successfully attract and retain top talent in a competitive job market.

Client Testimonials

Ben Turner, Head of Learning, Talent and Resourcing at Well, noticed the transformation brought about by Oleeo’s platform. “With Oleeo,” Turner said, “we now have a more blended approach to attraction, utilizing varied job boards, social media, CV databases, and proactive attraction campaigns. We also utilize talent banking, so that we are always building our own database. The team we work with at Oleeo really understands our needs and helps to enable our team to make the most of the product’s potential.”

For more client testimonials, Click Here.

Oleeo’s Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Oleeo’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is deeply ingrained in its platform design and functionality. The system’s intelligent algorithms are specifically tailored to promote inclusive hiring practices by mitigating unconscious biases to ensure a fair and equitable recruitment process. A key aspect is the platform’s ability to remove identifying information from resumes and applications, creating an environment where candidates are evaluated solely on their skills and potential. This helps you build a diverse workforce that truly reflects the variety of talents and perspectives in the job market.

Get Started with Oleeo

Oleeo represents more than just innovative Recruitment Technology; we’re a strategic partner in your journey toward efficient, fair, and inclusive talent acquisition. By harnessing the power of AI and automation, Oleeo transforms the high-volume hiring process into an intuitive and candidate-centric experience. It empowers hiring managers to focus on what truly matters — connecting with and securing the best-fit candidates.

Discover how Oleeo’s comprehensive suite of tools can streamline your hiring process, making it more efficient, data-driven, and aligned with your organization’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. Whether it’s enhancing candidate experiences, managing job postings, or navigating seasonal recruitment peaks, Oleeo is equipped to handle all aspects of your recruitment needs with ease and precision.

Ready to transform your recruitment process? Contact Us Today and take the first step towards a more efficient, inclusive, and successful hiring journey with Oleeo.

4 Tips on How To Streamline Your International NHS Recruitment Strategy

Do you want to attract top-tier talent but also create a workforce that thrives on diversity and innovation?

Since its inception in 1948 the NHS has greatly benefited from international recruitment. Today, as in previous years, overseas recruitment remains a significant part of NHS organisations’ workforce supply strategy, in line with the NHS People Plan.

International NHS recruitment not only injects fresh perspectives but also enriches the organisation with a diverse array of educational backgrounds, fostering a dynamic and vibrant company culture.

The NHS Long Term Plan established organisations’ ambitions over the next ten years, with ethical international recruitment as one of its top priorities.

The NHS Trusts currently using Oleeo’s ATS as their one stop shop recruitment platform:
  • University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
  • Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
  • Solent NHS Trust and Southern Health NHS Foundation
  • Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

Join us in this blog as we unravel four ways you can supercharge your international NHS recruitment strategy!

Conduct Virtual Screening

Since 2020, virtual interviews have become essential for most Trusts and organisations seeking high-quality recruits. 

Most applicant tracking systems offer messaging and interviewing options within their platforms. This way, you can automatically schedule virtual interviews with easy-to-access links and ensure candidates have no difficulty joining. 

However, you might want to consider using this technology to set screening questions and invite candidates to record their (video) responses, in their own time, eliminating any time zone issues.

Oleeo’s virtual screening tool goes beyond mere efficiency – it’s about elevating the entire recruitment experience. Recruiters can navigate seamlessly through a platform tailored for intuitive and swift decision-making, while candidates are treated to an enhanced and user-friendly interface. Imagine a recruitment process where each interaction leaves a positive and lasting impression, setting the stage for a collaborative and engaging journey for both parties.

So, gear up for a transformative experience with Oleeo’s virtual screening tool – where time becomes your ally, and the recruitment process becomes an exciting and efficient adventure for all involved!

Tear Down Language Barriers

Language barriers are among the top concerns for international recruits, as even the same languages can be used differently in other countries. While language barriers may create road bumps throughout an individual’s entire career, miscommunication errors are most prevalent during recruitment. Fortunately, these errors are easy to avoid if you use dependable tools. 

Oleeo ensures consistent communication across every manager, recruiter, and candidate by supporting the translation of unlimited languages. Using Oleeo, you can communicate seamlessly with international candidates, no matter their language. You can minimise the likelihood of communication errors and alleviate the burden on candidates to translate messages independently, thus preventing the recruitment process from becoming unnecessarily cumbersome.

Use Branded Job Search Portals

As with all recruitment, a key factor in finding ideal international candidates for a job is knowing where to post it. Posting jobs on multiple platforms will expand your candidate bank, but it could also give you undesirable applicants if you post in the wrong places.

Applicant tracking systems can help you strategise your candidate search by identifying the best job search portals and platforms based on your industry and desired candidates. This way, you don’t waste time posting in the wrong places and can target the professionals that suit your needs. 

Properly Gauge International Versus Local Candidates 

Hiring international candidates can vastly improve your organisation by expanding perspectives and culture. However, you should take into consideration the relocation costs. Because of these variables, international recruitment may not always be the best option for your organisation — especially if the candidate with the right qualifications lives nearby.

Applicant tracking systems use AI automation to filter through candidates’ resumes, CVs, cover letters, interview notes, and more. From here, the platform gives you the best matches for your open position based on your prioritised qualifications. Putting international and local candidates through these filters will help you determine the best options indiscriminately. 

Streamline NHS Recruitment With a Configurable Applicant Tracking System

Oleeo’s recruiting enablement platform specialises in supporting NHS recruitment. Hear from University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust on how they reduced their time to hire by 29% using Oleeo’s ATS platform.

“We’ve always sold ourselves and our recruitment as a one-stop-shop because we do recruitment on behalf of the trust. If I were to explain what Oleeo does, I’d also say they’re a one-stop-shop. We can do everything we need to, as a function with Oleeo.”

Laura Wagg, Recruitment Manager, UHB

8 Essential Recruitment Reports You Need for 2024

Recruitment reports… just where do you start? It is so easy to be overwhelmed by the variety of job boards out there. As a recruiter, it’s all very well having your favorite, ‘go-to’set of job boards and other tools to fill positions.

But are these meeting your goals? This is how recruitment reports are valuable. These offer insights that you can use to elevate your recruiting techniques, attracting the right candidates to fill your positions. 

The current job market is competitive, and the best candidates are often snatched up before you find out they exist. With the right data, you can improve your chances of finding top-quality candidates for each available job.

Keep informed and improve your applicant tracking system (ATS) with these Essential Reports From Oleeo Insights.

What Are Recruitment Reports?

Recruitment reports are an excellent way to make your hiring process more efficient and effective.

Put simply, they track and assess candidates and processes at each stage of hiring. For example, you could use a sourcing report to discover how recruitment campaigns are going and where you could improve.

A sourcing report can track your ads, social media posts, recruiters, etc., log where applications are coming from, and generate reports that present this information in an easy-to-understand format.

You can use this data to adjust your recruitment strategy as needed.

Similarly, once you have a selection of candidates, you can use reports to help you make the right choices. Diversity, performance, experience, etc. reports will give you the information needed to pick the best people and get the most ROI out of your hiring process.

What Are The Benefits of a Recruitment Report?

Recruitment reporting has many benefits, including (but not limited to):

Pinpointing strengths and weaknesses

Recruitment reports gather and present data on both your candidates and systems, making it easier to identify strengths and weaknesses.

They also make it simple to cross-reference these strengths and weaknesses with other data points so you can determine how important they are in the grand scheme of things.

For example, say your reports show that Facebook is a strong source of candidates, while LinkedIn is relatively weak. However, when you cross-reference this with performance data, you discover that even though you get fewer applicants from the latter, they perform better and generally better fit your company.

Helping you improve your hiring experience

Recruitment is often the first direct experience a prospective employee has with your company. So, to attract and retain the best candidates, it’s important it would be a good experience for all involved.

Recruitment reports can help you track Candidate Experience and monitor potential sources of frustration (like long waits for responses or stressful silences between stages). 

Boosting your hiring strategies

Recruitment reports are also great for data driven recruiting and can be a handy strategic tool. They can help you with everything from finding the best sources for candidates to staging the right number of interviews.

The insights you glean from your recruiting reports can help you create and refine a recruitment strategy that delivers the best candidates and experience in the most effective and efficient ways possible.

Improving data accuracy and reducing biased decisions

Everyone has biases, whether conscious or unconscious. This can prevent us from making the right decisions when it comes to hiring.

Recruitment reports help you combat this by providing a data-based recruiting strategy. This gives an honest and unbiased view of candidates, helping you make decisions that are unclouded by personal assumptions.

It can also give you accurate information about your systems and processes, showing which are working, which aren’t, and where improvements can be made. This is important, as we can be as biased about our processes, systems, and strategies as we are about people.

8 Crucial Reports to Have on Your Recruiting Dashboard

Oleeo offers a range of ways to report on your recruiting. Our Recruitment Software can offer detailed analytics on every stage of a candidate’s journey and every element of your process.

Here are eight of the most important reports to have on your recruitment dashboard.

1. Applicant source report

This report lets you see where you’re finding your best recruits and should always feature on your recruiting metrics dashboard. Oleeo’s ATS tracks each source, including staffing agencies, job boards, referrals, events, and other hiring sources, and helps you see which are working well for your company. Over time, you can use this to scale your efforts, focusing on the channels that bring in the best potential employees.

You may notice, for example, that many of your top candidates come from LinkedIn. In this case, you might choose to spend more money on sponsored job posts since you know the platform has a high volume of quality candidates.

An applicant source report can also help identify potential issues with your recruiting process. If you notice a certain job board that your recruiting efforts are rarely successful on, you may change your strategy to appeal to candidates who are a better fit for you.

2. Position report

A position report provides a snapshot of the current state of your recruiting process. This feature of your recruitment metrics dashboard shows open positions in each pipeline, so you get an easy overview of where you are.

For example, you can use position reports to see which candidates have already been interviewed and which need an interview to be scheduled. Similarly, you can check how long each job has been open and how close it is to being filled.

With Oleeo, you can also break down each position into stages to get detailed information on factors like holdup and flow. This means you can see at a glance where candidates are becoming bottlenecked and where you need to focus your efforts.

3. Diversity analytics

A commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is essential in today’s workplace. More than Half (65%) Of Companies list it as a priority. If you’re among them, Oleeo’s diversity analytics can help you attract a wider range of applicants.

This report gives you access to talent acquisition dashboards that show you how your Diversity Recruiting Metrics stack up at each stage of the hiring process, from recruiting to job offers. You can use these tools to understand how your efforts are attracting applicants of varying backgrounds and fill in potential gaps. 

You may find your job descriptions aren’t attracting an equal balance of candidates from different ethnic backgrounds, or your job posts could be deterring women from applying. Reports can also show the candidate mix as you move through the Interview Process. You may even discover that your recruiters are working with their own subconscious biases. 

With analytical reports, you can identify these gaps and create strategies to fill them. These are an excellent source of data to help bring other executives on board with DEI initiatives and hiring strategies. 

4. Time to hire

You can track how long it takes candidates to move through your hiring process with Oleeo’s time-to-hire report and use this data to find inefficiencies within your process. It could be that screening takes too long or the Interview Process is held up by scheduling conflicts. 

Time to hire is an important metric for your recruiting team because when it takes too long, high-quality candidates might lose interest in your company. With so many businesses vying for similar candidates in a shrinking talent pool, it’s important to be able to recruit quickly. 

A time-to-hire report can also help you establish a consistent recruiting process throughout your team, making everyone more efficient. For example, you can use it to improve your training process for new recruiters and help fill vacant positions faster. 

5. Time to fill

A time to fill report shows how long it takes to fill each position. It’s often confused with time to hire, but there’s a crucial difference.

Time to hire measures the time that passes between a position getting its first applicant and signing a new contract.

Time to fill refers to the entire hiring process, from deciding to advertise for a new role to a new hire filling the position.

When cross-referenced with other reports, time to fill can tell you important things about your hiring process. For example, if your time to hire is relatively short compared to your time to fill, this may indicate a problem with your recruitment campaigns.

6. Cost of hire

There are a lot of hidden hiring costs that may not become apparent without a proper report into them. In the meantime, recruiters, software expenses, advertising, training, and the cost of getting the necessary work done all add up.

Fortunately, this type of report will comprehensively detail every cost involved in hiring a new member of staff. This can help you identify areas for potential savings and get more ROI from your hiring process.

7. Candidate experience

Whatever your industry, your customers expect a good experience. The same is true for applicants.

Oleoo Insights helps you assess each candidate’s experience. With this talent acquisition report, you can identify parts of the process that are consistent pain points among applicants and look at places where candidates regularly drop out.

Supplement these insights by asking applicants how you could improve. By including questions in your recruiting process, you can assess which areas need updating and then use this information to fix the more cumbersome parts of the hiring journey.

8. Employee retention

Your employee retention rate can not only tell you when you might need to think about scheduling new recruitment campaigns, but it can also reveal important things about your company.

For example, a low employee retention rate may indicate that people don’t like working for you or that your rivals are offering more competitive benefits.

An employee retention report is useful for determining how often you may need to recruit new staff and when this is likely to occur.

How to Write a Recruiting Report: Example

A general recruiting report provides insight into and an overview of a given campaign. With Oleeo it’s easy to write as you can quickly bring up detailed information on each element of your campaign and transfer this to the document you’re compiling.

A recruiting report should include:

  • The number of candidates recruited
  • The resources used
  • An expenditure breakdown and total
  • Challenges
  • Suggestions for future improvement
  • A summary of results

Oleeo makes this a simple process. You can bring up all the data, results, and statistics you need to write a comprehensive report at speed, plus graphs and diametrics to demonstrate your points.

Recruitment Reports: The Backbone of Any Recruiting Metrics Template—How Oleeo Insights Can Help You

Recruitment reports should form an integral part of your recruitment process. They offer the kind of accurate and impartial data needed to fully understand your approach, systems, and candidates. 

They can also help you pinpoint your weaknesses, improve recruitment pipelines, boost the candidate experience, and ultimately pick the right person for the job.

If you’re ready to elevate your recruiting process with data-driven insights, allow Oleeo to help. Our ATS software empowers you to leverage data to attract the best candidates and quickly move them through the hiring process.

Contact Us Today for recruiting metrics examples and to find out how we can help you tailor your applications, manage candidates, write job descriptions, and attract diverse candidates to your organization. 

Book A Consultation now.


FAQs About Recruitment Reporting

What are the benefits of recruitment reports?

Recruitment reporting has several benefits. First and foremost, it helps you identify the best candidate for a given position.

In addition, it offers an unbiased, data-based foundation on which to build recruitment campaigns, boosts your recruitment ROI, and provides deeper insight into both candidates and your recruiting processes.

How are recruitment reports used to optimize hiring strategies?

Recruitment reports optimize hiring strategies by helping companies use recruiting data in more effective and efficient ways.

For example, you can use them to look at the recruitment pipeline for each position, identify candidate bottlenecks, and devise ways to break up those bottlenecks and get things flowing again.

Can recruitment reports help improve candidate experience?

Recruitment reports are a great way to improve candidate experience. By using them, you can identify candidate flashpoints and aspects of your process cause frustration.

For example, a time to fill report might show long gaps between each stage of your hiring process. This may be annoying or even upsetting for candidates.

The insight provided by your report helps you know where to concentrate your efforts to improve the hiring process and boost candidate experience.

Cloud Recruitment Software: Streamline Your Hiring

Recruitment is a labour-intensive process with many tasks to complete and a ton of information to manage. Writing and posting job ads, sifting through CVs, scheduling interviews, communicating with candidates. . . it’s hard to do all of that manually without making mistakes.

That’s where cloud recruitment software comes in—and it has many other benefits besides streamlining the hiring process. Let’s take a closer look.

What is Cloud Recruitment Software and How Does it Work?

Cloud recruitment software is a tool for managing and streamlining a company’s recruitment processes. It’s designed to save you time and money by automating workflows and making it easier to find and hire the right candidates.

It’s a type of software-as-a-service (SaaS), so rather than buying and installing the software on your premises, you lease it from a vendor on a subscription basis. The service is provided over the internet and is accessible from any internet-connected device. The data is stored in a remote data centre

Instead of using a collection of separate systems for tasks like job posting, interview scheduling, and background checks, cloud-based recruitment software typically comes as an all-in-one platform. That means you can manage the entire process in one place.

The best cloud recruitment software will combine an Applicant Tracking System with features like candidate management, CV parsing, analytics, and reporting.

The Benefits of Cloud Recruiting Software

Cloud recruitment software brings several advantages for businesses. Here are just a few:

It saves time

Cloud recruiting software is designed to be fast and reliable, with automation to speed up time-consuming tasks. For example, it enables you to post job ads simultaneously across multiple platforms and scans hundreds of CVs to help you find the most suitable candidates.

There’s no need for employees to manually transcribe information, which also reduces errors. And with all data and documentation in one central hub, you won’t waste time searching through files or email threads. This faster hiring process means you can get people into roles quickly.

It cuts down on your costs

By reducing time to hire, you’re also reducing cost per hire. There are fewer errors to delay the hiring process, and the software also improves employee productivity. You can easily set up Virtual Recruiting via online interviews and careers fairs, minimising travel and hosting expenses.

Cloud software has a minimal upfront cost compared to on-premises systems. The vendor takes care of maintenance and upgrades, and you only pay for what you use. Installation is swift, and the software is easy to use without extensive training.

It improves communication and collaboration

Cloud based recruitment platforms are ideal for collaboration. They typically have a central dashboard where everyone can see the latest information, and it’s easy to share CVs, interview notes, and candidate feedback. Your team can get together to discuss applications and strategies even if they’re working remotely.

But it’s not just about internal communication. These tools also help you keep candidates updated on the progress of their applications and enable you to organize personalised email campaigns as part of your recruitment strategy.

It can be tailored to suit your specific needs

Another benefit of cloud SaaS software is that it’s not restrictive. You’ll have a choice of pricing tiers or a fully tailored plan, which you can amend whenever your needs change. Add extra users if you’re expanding the team for a busy period, or remove them when things are quiet.

You can also add features, while customisation options include setting up automated workflows and specific reports. The best software integrates with your existing systems, such as HR, providing further scalability.

It’s accessible from anywhere

Cloud-based staffing software is accessible on any device, anywhere, any time (so long as you have a reliable internet connection). That makes it perfect for remote and hybrid companies, as well as recruiters who need to check the system while attending a careers event, for example.

It enables you to set up a BYOD (bring your own device) culture in physical offices and also makes it easy for global businesses to recruit from around the world. With a central database, everyone sees the same information no matter where they’re located.

It’s better for the environment

If all your documents are stored in the cloud, you don’t have to use physical paper or printing ink. That’s one reason why cloud recruiting is eco-friendly. It also offers lower energy consumption, as you don’t need servers on your premises­—all of the required processing power is in the vendor’s data centre.

Plus, you can minimise travel by using virtual recruitment, interviewing, and onboarding candidates online. Remote colleagues don’t need to get together in person for meetings, either.

It keeps sensitive information safe and secure

Recruiters have a lot of sensitive data to handle, from CVs to contact details to interview notes. Cloud software lets you keep all this information digitally in one place instead of on physical paper in filing cabinets. This makes it less likely that important documents will go astray.

And, as long as you choose software with top-notch security, such as data encryption and access control, you’ll be protected against potential data breaches or non-compliance.

Key Features to Look Out For in Cloud Recruitment Software

Every cloud recruitment system is slightly different, but here are some essentials to check for:

  • Applicant tracking system (ATS): This tool can track applicants throughout the recruiting and hiring process, using automation to enable high-volume recruitment and reduce time-to-hire. It helps you to create accurate job descriptions and post them in the right places and allows the whole team to view an applicant’s status at any time.
  • CV parsing: This feature will scan multiple CVs to flag the best candidates and filter out unsuitable ones based on your own criteria. You can ask the tool to look for specific skills and qualifications and search for relevant keywords in CVs uploaded to job boards and social media sites.
  • Candidate management: Recruiters need to provide timely communication with applicants, so look for software that automates and schedules messaging to keep them in the loop. Convenient tools like auto-fill online applications and self-service interview scheduling will also appeal to candidates.
  • Virtual recruiting: Choose a solution that lets you hold virtual interviews and events, plus remote onboarding and training. Some tools enable pre-recorded and one-way video interviews for high-volume recruitment, plus mobile registration and check-ins for online events.
  • Analytics/reporting: With these tools, you can gain insights into the performance of your Recruitment Funnel and use the results to improve. You can identify trends, such as which applicants are responding to which posts, and ensure you maintain diversity.
  • Integrations: It’s ideal if your software can integrate with your existing systems, such as video conferencing, calendars, and HR tools.
  • Security: Look out for solutions that perform regular backups and include data encryption, user access controls, and compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR.

Utilise Cloud Recruitment Software for a Smoother Hiring Process

As we’ve seen, cloud recruitment software is crucial if you want to streamline your hiring processes and recruit at scale. By keeping all your information in one central hub, you’ll save time and improve collaboration. The data is accessible from anywhere, so it’s easy to stay updated (and keep candidates in the loop, too).

If you choose an advanced solution like Oleeo, you can customise the software with bespoke workflows to meet your company’s unique needs. It comes with AI and automation to enable high-volume recruitment, and the applicant tracking system can reduce your time to hire by 50%.

Alongside CV Parsing, other handy features include virtual recruiting, events management, and analytics. You can use AI to detect and remove unconscious bias from your processes and allow candidates to complete applications from their social media profiles for maximum convenience.

FAQs about Cloud Recruitment Software

How does cloud recruitment software differ from traditional recruitment systems?

Traditional recruitment systems involved either manual spreadsheets and paper documents or several different types of software for different tasks, all installed on your premises. Cloud recruiting software is completely digital and gives you a unified platform that’s owned and managed by the vendor. That makes it more affordable and efficient. Everything is in one place, and it’s easy to automate workflows and communicate with colleagues and candidates in any location.

Is cloud recruitment software secure?

Cloud-based recruiting software is typically more secure than an on-premises system. For example, Oleeo is accredited to ISO 27001:2013 and monitored using regular security audits, compliance checks, and protection of sensitive data. That’s why it’s used by law enforcement and healthcare organizations as well as businesses. Plus, with everything housed in the cloud, you’ll know exactly where all your information is.

How does cloud recruitment software improve the candidate experience?

Apart from making life easier for recruiters, cloud software also benefits candidates. It gives them the convenience of applying online with auto-fill forms and receiving regular updates on the progress of their application. Virtual interviews and events also enhance the experience. Cloud recruiters can also record candidate feedback and use it to make further improvements.

How do I choose the right cloud recruitment software for my organization?

There are a lot of cloud recruitment solutions out there, so make sure you do plenty of research and take advantage of free demos and trials of the software. Some tools will have free versions, but these probably won’t offer as much functionality—and they’re not as scalable. Check exactly what the plan includes and choose the most suitable software for your organisation.