Four ways to reduce costs when recruiting in the public sector

Budget constraints and bureaucratic processes often create challenges for local and central government bodies seeking to attract top talent. 

Luckily, we’re here to help! There are innovative strategies that can help streamline recruitment processes and reduce costs without compromising the quality of hires. 

There were an estimated 5.83 million employees in the public sector in March 2023, which is 31,000 (0.5%) more than in December 2022 and 100,000 (1.7%) more than in March 2022,  according to The Office of National Statistics. 

We’re going to identify four effective ways to cut costs in public sector recruitment, so stay tuned!


1- Embrace Technology and Automation:

One of the most significant advancements in recruitment is the integration of technology and automation. Leveraging applicant tracking systems (ATS), artificial intelligence (AI), and other digital tools can help public sector organisations streamline their recruitment processes, saving a substantial amount of money in the short and long term!  

ATS software allows recruiters to automate the initial stages of the hiring process, such as CV screening and application tracking. AI-driven algorithms can analyse candidate profiles and match them with job requirements, significantly reducing the time spent on manual reviews. This not only accelerates the recruitment timeline but also minimises the risk of overlooking qualified candidates.

Additionally, implementing video interviews and virtual assessments can further reduce costs associated with scheduling and conducting in-person interviews. 

Embracing these technologies can lead to a more efficient and cost-effective recruitment process.


2- Rediscover Talent Within your Organisation and Tools:

Knowing where to look when hiring for a new, skill-specific position isn’t easy, especially in the public sector!

That’s why you should also look a bit closer to home. Your next great hire could be hiding in plain sight deep within your existing tools or within your own organisation. 

You can utilise artificial intelligence to identify the best candidates for your job from not only your current pool of talent but also highlight those individuals in your organisation who obtain the skills you’re looking for! 

Oleeo’s search functionality will rank and prioritise candidates based on the skills you’re looking for while remaining compliant with applicable data regulations.

Not only does this help you hire quality talent quickly, but it will undoubtedly save you money on recruiting ads and prolonged searches.


3 – Invest in Training and Development Programmes:

Rather than solely relying on external hires, investing in training and development programmes for existing staff can be a cost-effective strategy. By upskilling current employees, public sector organisations can fill skill gaps internally, reducing the need for extensive external recruitment.

Training programmes can include workshops, online courses, and mentorship initiatives. This approach not only enhances the skill sets of employees but also boosts morale and loyalty. Internal promotions and career advancements can create a positive work environment and save costs associated with external recruitment processes.


4 – Optimise Recruitment Marketing:

Public sector organisations can leverage cost-effective digital marketing strategies to enhance their employer brand and reach a wider audience.

Creating engaging content for social media platforms, maintaining an active presence on professional networking sites, and utilising targeted online advertising can help public sector agencies connect with potential candidates without breaking the bank. 

Crafting a compelling narrative about the organisation’s mission, values, and opportunities can attract candidates who are genuinely interested in contributing to public service.

Recruiting in the public sector doesn’t have to be a drain on resources or tedious. By embracing technology and investing in training, local authorities and central government bodies can reduce costs while still attracting and retaining top talent. 

By implementing these strategies, public sector organisations can build a more efficient and cost-effective recruitment process that aligns with their budgetary constraints!

4 Crucial Tips for Bringing Top-tier Civil Servants on Board

Are you on the lookout for talented individuals to join the civil service ranks? Recruiting civil servants demands a meticulous approach and adherence to specific guidelines. After all, civil servants play a vital role in upholding values like integrity, impartiality, and service excellence.

As a recruiter, your role is pivotal in ensuring that job vacancies are managed with precision and fairness. From posting the job opening to making the final offer, it’s crucial to follow internal policies and procedures to maintain consistency and fairness throughout the recruitment process. 

To ensure that your recruitment process aligns with these principles, we have compiled 4 top tips for you to consider.

1 – Remove biases from your recruitment strategy 

Using Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) tools can ensure an inclusive candidate experience and strengthen the impact of your recruitment strategies.

Job post debiasing, AI-powered selection criteria, dynamic workflows, and tailored content can help bake fairness into every step of the recruiting process.

For example, inclusive job descriptions signal to potential candidates that your government department values diversity and welcomes individuals from all backgrounds, encouraging even more people to apply and therefore expanding your pool of top talent. 

Oleeo proactively roots out the subtle biases that can undermine progress. 

2 – Hire graduates seamlessly

If you’re looking to recruit graduates or candidates early in their careers then graduate recruiting software can support you in designing tailored campaigns and communications that resonate with your audience. Beyond traditional CV data, graduate recruiting software can uncover subtle signs of future success in prospective candidates.

Relying on early careers recruitment technology can also assist with intern management, bulk processing of candidates, intelligent selection, and event management. All of these help you reduce the time it takes to hire the best candidates.

In addition, we recommend building relationships with universities, professional associations, and other organisations to identify and connect with talented graduates who are passionate about public service. 

3 – Utilise multiple recruitment channels 

In the quest for top talent, more and more organisations are diversifying their recruitment strategies across multiple channels, including online job boards, social media platforms, professional networks, and industry-specific portals like those tailored to the civil Service. 

By casting a wide net, government organisations can attract candidates from various sectors and backgrounds. If this is something you’re interested in implementing, consider using leveraging Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) software. You can automate every step of the recruitment marketing process, ensuring that top candidates receive relevant content personalised to their preferences and keep your company at the top of their minds throughout their job search. 

In addition to online platforms, it’s important to actively engage with potential candidates through in-person networking events, career fairs, and targeted outreach activities. 

Building personal connections and fostering relationships in real-life settings can significantly enhance your recruitment efforts. 

4 – Create a strategic talent pool 

Talent pooling is essential for organisations looking to stay competitive and secure top talent quickly in today’s talent-driven market.

This involves building, maintaining and nurturing a database of potential candidates, including past employees, previous applicants, and skilled professionals. This proactive approach can streamline your hiring process by providing access to pre-screened candidates who are a good fit for the organisation’s culture and values.

We recommend using software solutions that offer features such as CRM, automated sourcing and matching, and workflows to help you strategically nurture your talent pool. 

In addition to actively building and nurturing a talent pool, it’s essential for government organisations to maintain a comprehensive talent database. This database houses all pertinent information about potential candidates, including their names, skill sets, experience, and qualifications. Moreover, it goes beyond just professional credentials to gauge compatibility with the company culture. 

This holistic approach ensures that each candidate selected not only possesses the requisite skills but also aligns with the organisation’s values and work culture seamlessly.



Don’t forget to consult the Civil Service Competency Framework to identify areas for enhancement and make sure to ask for feedback from candidates and hiring managers to ensure that your recruitment process evolves with the changing needs of the civil service.

By following these top tips, you can effectively attract and select candidates who are not only qualified for the role but also dedicated to serving the public interest with integrity and professionalism.

Discover how Oleeo’s comprehensive suite of tools can streamline your hiring process, making it more efficient, data-driven, and aligned with your organisation’s commitment and values. 

Ready to transform your recruitment process? Contact Us Today and take the first step towards a more efficient, inclusive, and successful hiring journey with Oleeo.